Uncreative Radio: EP.101
[Airtime: 11.9.16, 1:00 PM ET]
Uncreative Radio
Live Airtime: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 1:00 PM ET
There is driven force: where someone or something has the power to make things happen; and then there is the power of energy, the law of attraction: we’re talking about the sense of what feels right and what doesn’t, what feels loving and reassuring, and what seem to originate from a higher source, that energy directed toward a sublime, divine purpose. There is a difference between the two, but today…it all makes sense as one. Universal energy has both an upward and a downward flow, and after last night’s election, we went through it all.
Today, we have a new President of the UNITED States of America. And today, we at C&I, have a new voice. After last night, we all literally woke up today and decided our voice needs to be heard, our voice needs to be broadcasted, not as your typical radio show format, but more as in “cruel kindness” and oxymoron if you will. We want to share our views and have a laugh while at it. We want to organically engage with our common speech, not only with each other, but with those willing to connect. We are who we are. And we’ll say what we want.
Welcome to Uncreative Radio.
Coincidence? I think NOT!
We live. We speak.
And occasionally create.
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