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Natural Lighting vs. Studio Lighting

So you’re planning a photoshoot or video production, and you’re trying to figure out the best place to shoot your footage. One of the most important things to consider when deciding on a location for your production is what kind of light you need. Do you want an outdoor venue with lots of natural light? Or are you looking to use studio lighting in an indoor location?

There are pros and cons to both natural light and studio light for photography and video production. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key considerations when it comes to choosing between natural and artificial light sources.

Natural Light

One of the big advantages of natural light is that it’s free. You don’t need to worry about renting studio space or buying expensive lighting equipment – you can just go outside and take advantage of the sun’s rays. Natural light is also very versatile; it can be used for a wide range of photography and video applications, from product shots, to interviews, and extreme sports footage.

One of the main disadvantages of natural light is that it’s not always available. If you’re shooting outdoors, you have to work around the time of day and the weather conditions. If you’re shooting indoors, you may not have enough natural light coming in through the windows.

What types of photos and videos should you be using natural light for?

– Product photography

Showing off products in natural light can show off their colors and features well. You can expect that your product will look the same way in person as you would with natural light photography or videography. This is a great time to show off your products being used and enjoyed while outdoors.

– Interviews

Natural light can give interviews a natural and authentic feeling. It can also be a great choice for video bios or “about me” videos. Harsh light won’t be as noticeable on people’s faces, and you’ll be able to capture natural expressions. Natural light offers a softness to skin tones of all types and makes people more approachable, and you definitely want to make your marketing content feel approachable!

– Lifestyle

Videos and photos that depict a lifestyle can be shot very well with natural light. Outdoor locations often give a feeling of freedom and naturalness that is hard to reproduce in a studio setting. Lifestyle bloggers and influencers all understand that natural light is their best friend, which is why so many of them use outdoor locations in their photos and videos.

– Sports footage

If you’re taking video or photos of athletes doing what they do best, natural light is going to be what you want to use. Unless the sport takes place at an indoor venue, of course, but if you can get the footage outdoors in natural light its preferred. Natural light is great for filming outdoors and gives your footage a more realistic look.

– Portraits

Portraits that are taken in natural light often have a more natural and candid feeling to them. The colors of the skin are softened. Natural light and outdoor productions are all the rage right now when it comes to family portraits, and there’s a reason for it. The natural light really shows off the natural beauty of the human face and allows everyone in the portrait to shine.

Natural light is free and easy to use, but it’s less controllable than studio lighting. You also can’t take it everywhere with you. If you’re looking to film outdoors or in a natural environment, natural light is your best bet. You won’t be able to use it indoors unless you have plenty of windows and a few studio lights of your own to add into the mix.

Studio Light

Studio lighting is a great option for shooting indoors, where natural light is not always available. Studio lighting can be very controllable, so you can adjust the intensity and direction of the light to get the effect you want. This flexibility is particularly useful for video production, where you may need to create a specific look or mood for your footage.

The main disadvantage of studio lighting is that it can be expensive to set up. You need to rent studio space or buy your own lighting equipment, which can be a significant investment. If you’re not familiar with how to use studio lighting, it can be tricky to get the right results. Plus, you actually have to set the lighting up.

In what situations would studio lighting be best?

– Video production

In general, studio lighting is a better option for video production than natural light. With studio lighting, you have more control over the mood and look of your footage. You can create a wide variety of looks, from natural to dramatic, with just a few adjustments to the lights.

– Portraits

While natural light is popular for portraits, studio lighting is also amazing for portraits. You can create a wide variety of looks with studio lighting, from natural to dramatic, that you can’t achieve with natural light alone. Studio lighting is also great for creating a portrait with a moody or cinematic feeling.

– Product photography

Studio lighting can be better than natural light for product photography, depending on how you want your products to be displayed on your eCommerce store. With studio lighting, you have more control over the intensity and direction of the light, so you can create a specific look for your products. You can also use studio lighting to add shadows and highlights to your products, making them look more realistic.

– Interviews

Interviews done on set with studio lighting are a popular choice for many reasons. The interviewer can be in total control of the lighting and how it hits the interviewee. This way they will always look their best. No worries about natural light fluctuating or causing unflattering shadows.

Studio lighting is completely controlled by you, but it can be expensive and tedious if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can easily rent the equipment you’ll need, sometimes it’s even rolled into studio rental fees. Be sure to check what is included in your rental and what you may need to bring yourself. Always practice with the equipment before the day of the shoot.

In Conclusion…

In general, natural light is a great option for photography and video production, but studio lighting can be a better option in some situations. With a little bit of practice, you can create some amazing video footage with studio lighting.

So, what’s the best solution for you? If you’re shooting outdoors, natural light is the obvious choice. But if you’re shooting indoors, studio lighting can be a better option, especially if you need to control the light source. With a little bit of practice, you can create some amazing video footage with studio lighting.

When it comes to natural light vs. studio light, there are pros and cons to both and you have to figure out which pros outweigh the cons to each one. You should be considering every aspect of the shoot you want. What message are you trying to send? What are you trying to show off? All of it is important when making decisions on where to shoot and what type of light you’re going to use.

If you don’t know where to begin, you can of course outsource to a production company like C&I Studios. We can help you with any part of the production process. From finding a location, even if it’s our very own studio, you can count on us to take care and create amazing footage and photographs for your marketing strategy. We’ll help you to create amazing content that you will be proud to show off to your clients and will boost your company’s success in more ways than just one! If you’re ready to take the plunge into your next production, drop us a line.

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