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White Bleu De Chanel logo

Bleu de Chanel

Bleu de Chanel’s brand is luxurious and sophisticated, so we wanted to create a promotional video that exuded the same aesthetic. This video is simple, clean, and sophisticated.


This promotion is a fully 3D rendered project that we created in our own studio, no need for the product to be photographed. It shows off the product in a simple, realistic-yet-fantastical representation. It’s a promotion we are incredibly proud of, and one that Chanel can be proud to promote.

Closeup of Bleu de Chanel Shower Gel on display 3D product promo still

Flawless 3D Rendering

We meticulously crafted this promotion leveraging our cutting-edge 3D rendering program, Cinema 4D. This advanced software enables us to achieve unparalleled realism and precision, allowing for seamless integration of lifelike textures illuminating the glass bottles with a captivating radiance that mirrors their real-world counterparts. The results are photorealistic.


Taking the production a step further, we also rendered the captivating sight of Bleu de Chanel resting upon a rippling liquid floor, symbolizing the invigorating sensations evoked by this remarkable fragrance. This subtle yet enchanting animation adds a touch of fantasy while remaining true to the renowned Chanel brand.


Our in-house studio composed the accompanying audio, crafting original music that elevates the promotional video above its competitors. By integrating custom sound design, our production captures attention and leaves a lasting impression.

Bleu de Chanel After Shave Lotion on display 3D product promo still
Bleu de Chanel After shave lotion on display
Bleu de Chanel Shower Gel on display 3D product promo still
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