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Side profile of an African American man with goatee

A Video Documentary Mini Series

Ed Davis from the Portland Trailblazers was inspired to create a two-part video documentary series about sports and its impact on the youth. Pulling from personal experience, Ed David shares an insightful and genuine narrative on how sports shape the lives of young adults. Using sports camp as the setting, Ed Davis blends the experiences of the youth with those of his past to create a story that unites the past with the present day.


This short documentary mini series uses Ed Davis as a pillar to attract viewers but diverts the story away from his character to focus on the youth and the role of sports in their life, which is a powerful message. His status as an NBA professional player gives his words authority and he uses that to share an uplifting story set in Richmond, Virginia.

Closeup of an African American man with a goatee talking to a crowd of children in a gym
Tall African American man posing with a little boy for the camera with another man and two boys looking on
View of basketball player poised to make a shot on a basketball court with people around him on the court
View from behind of a basketball player shooting a basket on the basketball court with people on it in the background
Boy approaching the hoop with a basketball with many other players on the court behind him
A group of men playing on a basketball court
Aerial view of a basketball court with players doing practice drills
Ed Davis wearing a gray t shirt and black shorts sitting and looking down
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