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How Branded Video Content Can Grow Your Business

Branded content is the next phase in video marketing

Content strategy and management platform, Semrush defines Branded Content as “…content that speaks the values and the vision of your company…”, that “generates a conversation and an emotional response.” “Branded content is an experience… that relies on storytelling tools and techniques.” Branded content is beyond the sale. It seeks a deeper connection with the customer.

Video content is a proven foundational tool of any brand’s digital marketing strategy. It has developed into a standard with its complexities, advantages, and challenges – all worth mastering as the data supports video’s dominance as digital marketing over other types of content. High-quality video content optimized for online and social media platforms increases brand awareness and conversion rates, reduces bounces, boosts search engine optimization on Google (mainly if you use Google-owned video platforms such as YouTube), drives organic traffic to your website, is mobile-friendly (no more skewed margins!), and has a demonstrable positive effect on customer retention (that means repeat sales).

Now it’s incumbent on marketing teams to take their video content marketing strategy to the next level. Brand awareness and the package of advantages noted above, which already have a proven, groundbreaking ROI, are now the stepping stone to leveraging video’s unique storytelling powers to engage customers on an emotional level that make them connect with your brand’s values.


5 Ways Branded Video Content Can Grow Your Business

  1. The Return On Investment (ROI) is spectacular.
  2. Video is a storyteller’s medium.
  3. DIY approach is cost-effective and scalable.
  4. There is a video content category for every business.
  5. Creates and nurtures community.

1. The ROI is spectacular

As is, video is a proven winner. The numbers do not lie. Here are just a few.

200%-300% – increase in click-through rates with video in marketing emails. (Forbes)
98% – people who like watching new product or service videos more than other methods of communication. (Wyzowl)
97% – people who say explainer videos lead to a better understanding of a business, product, or process. (Dubb)
95% – people who retain the message of a video more than other methods of communication. (Wordstream)
90% – people who prefer video streaming on their mobile devices. (Wyzowl)
90% – target audience who buy products that include promotional videos. (Dubb)
84% – people who buy a product or service after seeing a  brand’s video (Wyzowl)
80% – increase in conversion rates with a marketing campaign or website homepage that includes video. (Dubb)
64% – business owners who believe explainer videos help increase sales. (The Draw Shop)
52% – increased brand awareness with video content. (Thomson Reuters)

It’s not a contest. Video content rules the digital marketing toolbox. Branded content appeals to potential customers in a different, more personal way, and video is the most effective type of content to inject a brand’s values into a customer’s experience.

2. Video is a storyteller’s medium

Branded content is a story that creates an emotional response, and there is no better medium to achieve that end than video. Whether it’s a 15-30 second video on TikTok, influencer video marketing on Instagram Live, or a long-form video on YouTube, the brands (and influencers) that tell the best, most authentic story that aligns with its vision and values will rise to the top. For example, consider the simple online search for a recipe. The journey most likely ends with the searcher following an instructional video to whip up his or her next culinary masterpiece. Yet, these types of videos barely harness the true storytelling power of the medium in the way branded video marketing strategy can achieve.

3. A DIY approach is cost-effective and scalable

Professional video production is low cost and is forever. A brand’s values told through a compelling video will resonate with a wider audience long after its debut. An effective way for a company to spread its values and create growth is to put its own social media channels and other platforms through strategic paid campaigns. A short, inexpensive but meaningful video pushed through as many online and mobile channels as necessary will yield instant, measurable results. A YouTube channel, Video On Demand, a Video Ad, an animated video, influencer marketing, are all a type of video that can drive a wide range of customer interactions and engagement.

4. There is a video content category for every business

From the traditional commercial “spot” to the highly effective “explainer” videos, there are types of videos that fit every business. A retail business may use video for customer testimonials or a start-up company for a product demonstration. An iconic venue can connect with its community with a behind-the-scenes video, or a Fortune 500 company can stand out with a company culture video. Branded content takes this already personalized strategy one step further. A How-To Video is an opportunity to build a customer base and reach a larger audience. Regardless of the type, types, videos, and used, branded content can transform the ordinary into a memorable, relationship-building experience.

5. Creates and nurtures community

The difference between a sale and an experience is a sense of community. For the most part, people patronize local, regular businesses – from restaurants to dry cleaners. These places are in the customer’s immediate area and build loyalty through repeat business characterized by familiarity, authenticity, and a feeling of being connected to the fates of the people who work there. Brands that create branded online video content using traditional storytelling techniques can recreate the close and special relationship people have with the businesses in their communities.

Grow Your Business with Branded Video Content

Video’s visceral connection with customers generates buzz and engagement that can help any business grow its brand in an organic way that achieves long-lasting loyalty based on its culture, values, and mission. Video with branded content can drive a customer’s long-term relationship with a brand and drive future growth.

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