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Congratulations to Miami Hurdler Brianna Rollins
Winning Olympic Gold

Congratulations to Brianna Rollins for taking home gold for USA in the women’s 100-meter hurdles. It took Brianna just 12.48 seconds to cross the finish line this past Wednesday night. Thanks for making America, Miami, and LA proud. We were honored to have worked with her just last month. Check out some shots of Brianna from our shoot with Kinetix 365 is the place you want to be if you want to get Olympic-ready. Congrats again, Brianna! And congrats as well to Nia Ali and Kristi Castlin, who joined Brianna in their historic 1-2-3 takeover of the podium. USA! USA! USA!

Congratulations to Miami Hurdler Brianna Rollins Winning Olympic Gold Physical training with a trainer
Congratulations to Miami Hurdler Brianna Rollins Winning Olympic Gold Physical training with a trainer
Congratulations to Miami Hurdler Brianna Rollins Winning Olympic Gold Physical training with a trainer
Congratulations to Miami Hurdler Brianna Rollins Winning Olympic Gold

Featured Photo: Matthias Hangst/Getty Images
Photos: C&I Studios

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