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White Crew Call logo for Fort Lauderdale Event

Crew Call

Rain & Water

To master the elements one must learn to bend water. Rain is not easily illuminated on film. An artist must understand their model as much as the element itself if they wish to turn their union into beautiful art. To focus on only one of the two would produce lifeless art; art devoid of passion and reason. Do you possess the will to create an ally out of water and rain; to see past the curtain and into the soul of your model?

IU Crew Call Rain and Water Side profile of a man posing standing under a shower of water with eyes closed and soaked jeans
IU Crew Call Rain and Water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Side profile of a muscular man in a boxing pose in a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Man with abs posing standing with head down under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Man with abs posing kneeling under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Man with abs posing with a boxing punch under a shower of water
IU Woman with long hair posing for camera barefoot wearing a black dress under a shower of water looking off to the side
IU Woman with long hair posing for camera barefoot wearing a black dress under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Woman with long hair wearing a white dress posing for camera under a shower of water with fingertip by her mouth
IU Crew Call Rain and Water View from behind of woman with long hair posing for camera looking down under a shower of water
IU Woman with long hair wearing a white dress posing for camera under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Woman with long hair posing for camera under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Black and white closeup of a woman with long hair posing for the camera
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Woman with long hair and soaked through white shirt posing for the camera under a shower of water
IU Crew Call Rain and Water Woman with long hair and soaked through white shirt posing for the camera under a shower of water
Closeup of woman with soap suds sitting in a claw footed tub posing for the camera
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