C&I Studios Presents at Editfest 2019 Sponsored by Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design, the gold sponsor of Editfest 2019, invited us to speak at the annual editing fair after finding our studio on social media. Josh Miller, our CEO, presented on the subject of creativity and how Blackmagic’s software creates avenues for artists to personalize and elevate their artwork in real-time.
How Blackmagic Design Found Us on Social Media
We revamped our social media game this year to showcase more of the work we do inside the studio. A lot of our social media promotes ongoing video series we’re producing. Most of the productions spotlight artists in the communities we work in. Primarily South Florida, Los Angeles, and NYC.
For example, we created a cool series that links South Florida rappers and hip hop artists in an ongoing freestyle. It’s called Freestyle Friday and it’s all about putting the South Florida rap and hip hop scene on the international map.
Another cool series we produce weekly is #UncreativeRadio. This is a video podcast featuring guests from all walks of life. They all have one thing in common: that they are some of the brightest, most determined and outgoing creative professionals in their industries. The video podcasts run from about 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the episode, and touch upon crucial topics, like the US presidency, harnessing creativity, self-promotion and the messengers of our generation.
You can check out all of the Freestyle Friday episodes on our Youtube Channel. You can join us on Uncreative Radio every Thursday at 6 PM. If you want to see what we have been discussing the past few weeks, head to our website.

Anyway, Blackmagic Design started following our Instagram when we posted a video about how their editing software enhances our post-production work.
One of our video editors, JT Niemeyer, is a pro with Blackmagic Design’s post-production editing software, Resolve. We posted a video of him editing a video for one of our clients and that caught Blackmagic’s attention. Apparently, they like the work we do in the studio, because they invited our video production team to Editfest 2019 and asked Josh if he would present.
Josh spoke to other professionals and aspiring editors at Editfest 2019, teaching them how we harness the power of Resolve to elevate and promote our studio work.
Below is the video of JT Niemeyer at work, which is what encouraged Blackmagic Design to reach out to us! The video above is a recap of our time at Editfest 2019 sponsored by Blackmagic Design.
We Love Our Craft and Talking About It, Too
It’s really awesome being able to connect with other professionals who share a passion for creativity. When we were invited to Editfest 2019 sponsored by Blackmagic Design, one of our favorite companies, we were thrilled! It proved a few things to us:
- That our work is appreciated by the greatest minds in the industry
- That our social media efforts were paying off in exciting new ways — ways we never imagined
The second realization was a big deal!

We all know the power of social media; how it is a direct line of communication to consumers, businesses, and brand ambassadors. We know this, but that does not always mean that social media yields the results we expect from it. You can have the coolest content and the dopest copy, but that does not guarantee your audience (or even viewers outside your audience) will pay attention to you.
One the reasons it is so hard to be heard on social media platforms is because they are flooded with content — oversaturated to the point of consumer fatigue. So, the fact the Blackmagic Design saw our video, paused, watched it, and agreed with our message to the point that they reached out to our team and asked that we would present at Editfest 2019 on their behalf, well that’s pretty amazing.
Below is some BTS of our team at Editfest 2019 sponsored by Blackmagic Design. The production value isn’t as great as the videos above. But, then again, they were filmed on iPhones. Even still, check it out!