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Producing a Fashion-Line: Videography Sells


So you’re a fashionista, huh? 


Congratulations, you’ve just produced a fashion-line and it’s about to hit social media like a storm across the runway. 


Do you have professional videography to show off the way your fashion line fits the body of every god or goddess who tries on your clothing? Video is everything these days, especially for a fashion brand, so don’t forget to weave it into your promotional strategy.


Do you have a video plan for your fashion line?


If you don’t have this figured out, how will you promote the way your fabric sways as she walks down the street? 


Video can help capture those subtle yet vibrant details that traditional photography just can’t.


Let’s explore how professional videography can transform your fashion-line by getting your message and tone in front of the right customers. 

Getting Started with Fashion-Line Videography


You put your needles, thread, and imagination into every garment you made, and they represent your pure child’s play, fashion is your expertise.


But videography? Most designers are overwhelmed with such an undertaking and have no idea where to begin. Can I use my iPhone? Do I need to purchase complex lighting and cameras? These are common questions that run through most people’s minds when they decide to take on an endeavor like this. 


The resounding answer to all of those questions is NO you can’t use your iphone,  and you don’t need to invest heavily in sophisticated videography equipment in order to promote your fashion line, you just need an idea agency. Although we do agree that iPhones are awesome, there is a lot more that goes into a film than just holding a camera. 


We get it, Tangerine is a hit film and the videography was done completely with an iPhone. But what they didn’t tell you about was the extensive audio equipment, professional lenses, and advanced lighting that brought the whole story together. 


It takes a lot to bring high-quality videography into action. 


Like, Models for example.

Finding the Right Model for Your Fashion-Line Promotional Video


So you have the clothes, and they are stitched to perfection. Maybe even mass-produced, yup, that is your vision brought to life.


But who do you hire to highlight this vision in your fashion line promotional video?


Where will you find the right models?


You could gather all your friends as Grimes did for her first music video, but they might not be right for the job.


Luckily there are plenty of awesome model profiles that will fit your fashion vision, and if date Elon Musk he might help out with your next big shoot. 


Okay, okay, we get it not all heads are up in space, but maybe your fashion vision shoots for the galaxies. 


Let’s Talk Action


Great, you have your threads, your models, your aspirations, and still… your iPhone.


Esto no es bueno, necesitas un camarógrafo.


Did you know that South Florida has a best-kept secret? 


Yup, that’s right, there is an incredible studio in South Florida, right in your backyard. 


You can rent out the studio, hire a model, and get professional lighting, cameras (not iPhones), production services


Your Problems are solved. Are you excited yet? 


Probably not, because why would you work with a studio if you haven’t seen their portfolio?


Do Your Research


It is so important to do your research before hiring someone for a project that literally cradles your baby in their hands. 


So what kind of research should you be doing before hiring the right company?


Remember that if it doesn’t feel like a good fit, then it’s probably the wrong shoe Cinderella. 


So sweep up the dust and get back to work, here is what you should check out before investing in any kind of videography for your fashion line:



Check out the portfolio section of the company you are thinking about hiring. Have they worked with a big-name company that you have heard of before?


Coca Cola, Nike, and American Apparel?


If so, look no further, the company is definitely legit if they have worked with big brands.


Is the studio big enough to show off your style? If not, make sure the studio is willing to travel anywhere to get to you.


Maybe they know a sweet cove or beautiful sand dune that will give way to your space-galaxy style. 


Does the company have a good reputation for working with others? Make sure you are in the right hand. 


You should feel like you can express all of your ideas and help make the entire process of shooting your fashion line photography come to life. 


The Goal of Videography


No matter what kind of vision you have, the goal of videography should be straightforward. 


Video and film production is the only art form that can almost communicate the emotional values that a real-life interaction with your threads and fashion can have. 


You want your customers to feel, learn, understand, change and take action from watching your clip. 


That is powerful. And when you create powerful imagery, you share a contagious smile across the world with your idea.


That’s why you should hire an idea agency, you’ll find them to be the most creative.


Storytelling is Paramount


Storytelling is paramount. 


Did you know that 93% of brands gained new customers because of a video on social media? So what are you waiting for, get your idea out there and go big?


You need a company that is equipped with:


  • Producers
  • Directors
  • Video Editors
  • Screen Writers
  • Cinematographers
  • Hair & Makeup
  • A Huge List a go-to Models


Storytelling is limitless, it can transform your vision and play it the world with an inviting melody. Consumers are more demanding than ever when it comes to making a purchase, and video content is the solution. 


Contact C&I Studios for Your Fashion-Line Videography


Are you ready to get started, and skyrocket your threads into the public eye? We get, fashion statements matter, just take Cleopatra for example, her fashion statements wage wars between Egypt and the Roman Empire. 


Women are awesome. 


And so is your fashion-line! So give it the go-ahead and show it off to the world through professional videography with C& Studios.


Check out our portfolio, we have worked with big named brands like Nike, Montce Swim, and many more. No matter where you are in the world, let’s create the idea together, and shoot. 


Contact us today!

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