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How to Add Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to Your Marketing Strategy

Do you really want to step up your marketing strategy and embrace 2020’s technological advancements? So, let’s talk about incorporating elements of Augmented and Virtual Reality!

Augmented and Virtual Reality are two of the most cutting-edge technologies out there right now. And while they may seem like they’re only for gaming and entertainment, they can actually be used very effectively in marketing. In this article, we’ll discuss how to add Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to your marketing strategy successfully.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and keep your marketing strategy fresh, then you need to start thinking about how to incorporate Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. These two technologies are still in their infancy, but they’re already being used by some of the biggest brands in the world to create incredible experiences for their customers.

First, let’s answer a few important questions…

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information on top of the real world. This can be in the form of visual, auditory, or haptic feedback.

One of the most famous examples of AR is Pokémon GO. This app used your phone’s GPS to track your location and then superimposed Pokémon characters onto the screen. You could then catch them by throwing Poké Balls at them.

AR can be used in a number of ways in marketing. For example, you could use it to create product demonstrations or to give customers more information about your products.

Augmented reality elements can be applied to things like Snapchat and Instagram Filters, create effects for videos, or be used in product demonstrations.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows you to completely immerse yourself in a virtual world. This can be done through headsets that use stereoscopic visuals and headphones to create the illusion of three-dimensional space.

VR has been used for a while now in gaming, but it’s only recently that VR become more affordable for the average consumer.

VR can be used in marketing to create immersive experiences for your customers. For example, you could use VR to give them a tour of your factory or store, or to take them on a virtual test drive of your latest car.

You could also use VR to create interactive experiences at trade shows or events. For example, you could have a VR experience that allows people to try out your product before they buy it.

What is the difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

The main difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is that Augmented Reality overlays digital information on top of the real world, while Virtual Reality creates a completely immersive virtual world.

Augmented Reality is an overlay on top of reality. It’s changed reality. And then Virtual Reality is a completely new world for you to explore.

So, how can you add Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to your marketing strategy?

Now that we’ve answered those questions, let’s get into how you can use Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in your marketing strategy…

Create product demonstrations with AR

If you want to create an engaging product demonstration, then you should consider using AR. This technology can be used to superimpose digital information on top of physical objects.

For example, you could use AR to create a product demonstration that shows how your product works. You could also use it to show customers how to use your product.

This tactic allows your customers to experience the product for themselves and be able to imagine it in their everyday lives. It also allows you to show them the product in a way that is interactive and engaging.

Product demonstrations can be used anywhere and everywhere! So, if you get the chance to create these, they can be posted anywhere you can think of or embedded into e-mails and websites!

Use VR to create immersive experiences

VR can be used to create incredibly immersive experiences for your customers. You could use it to give them a tour of your store or factory or to take them on a virtual test drive of your latest car.

Immersive experiences are important when selling a whole experience like a car, or even real estate. It allows the customers to really experience what they’d be paying for, which will help sell the experience more than just someone telling them about it.

This is a great way to get people interested in your products, services, and experiences and to help them decide if it’s the right purchase for them.

Add Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality elements to your social media

You can add AR and VR elements to your social media posts to create more engaging content. Not only is it engaging, but it’s increasing your brand awareness if you do it correctly. Make sure you’re branding your AR and VR elements with your logo, company colors, and company name.

For example, you could add a Snapchat Filter that allows people to try on your product, or you could create a 360-degree video that allows people to explore your product.

Use Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality at trade shows and events

VR can be used at trade shows and events to create interactive experiences for your customers. For example, you could have a VR experience that allows people to try out your product before they buy it. By incorporating AR and VR elements into an exhibit booth you can really create an amazing experience for everyone who attends the event you’re setting up at.

You can also incorporate AR into your shows and events by creating a filter for social media that allows your customers to take photos during the event. This not only promotes your business but shows where people can find you, using the apps’ location services. They’re also sending their photos and videos to their friends with your logos, products, and branding, creating more brand awareness for you and getting your information in front of new possible customers!

Implement Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality into your website

You can also use VR and AR on your website to create more engaging and interactive content. For example, you could use VR to create a virtual tour of your store or factory, or you could use AR to show customers how to use your product.

This is great for houses, boats, facilities, or any kind of tour! You can also use it for product demonstration purposes as well. By having these on your website, you’re giving potential customers a way to experience your product or service without even stepping into your store.

Use Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in your advertising

You can also use AR and VR in your advertising to create more immersive ads. For example, you could use VR to create an interactive ad that allows people to try out your product.

Advertising with AR and VR includes creative and innovative ways to get people interested in your product or service. By using ads that are interactive, you’re grabbing attention and leaving an impression on the viewer that will make them more likely to remember you.

It’s important to keep in mind that not everyone has access to VR headsets, so try to create experiences that can be viewed without one. With AR, you have more flexibility because it can be used on a wider range of devices.

Add Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to your email marketing

You can also use AR and VR in your email marketing to create more interactive content. For example, you could use VR to create a virtual tour of your store, or you could use AR to show customers how to use your product.

E-mail marketing should never be overlooked when you’re looking to add new technology to your repertoire of marketing tactics. It’s easy to personalize an email and make it feel like a one-on-one conversation, which can help create a more intimate relationship between you and your customer.

By adding Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality content to your emails, you’re making it even more likely that people will engage with your brand. It’ll be easier for them to see what your product looks like and how it works, which can help increase conversion rates.

Create an Augmented Reality app

You could also create an AR app that allows people to interact with your brand in a new way. For example, you could create an app that allows people to take a virtual tour of your factory.

You can also create games in your apps! Scavenger hunts and other branded games that allow people to interact with their surroundings in a new way will really help you stand out. And since people love to play games, this is a great way to get your brand in front of new people and create some loyalty among your current customers.

How can I add these elements to my marketing strategy?

It’s understandable that not every company has access to the technology to create Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality to incorporate into your marketing strategy. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of ways that you can add these elements to your marketing strategy.

You can use videos to create VR or AR experiences, or you could use images that are augmented. You can also use 3D models to create a more immersive experience for your viewers.

If you’re not sure where to start, why not contact C&I Studios?

C&I Studios offers a lot of support to anyone looking for media marketing assistance. We have the means to create videos, AR, VR, and many other types of services. Together, we can create amazing content that will get your brand and company noticed and bring you great success!

Final thoughts

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are great tools to use in your marketing strategy. They create immersive and interactive experiences for your customers that will help them decide if your product or service is right for them. By using AR and VR in your marketing strategy, you can create more intimate relationships with your customers and increase conversion rates.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can incorporate Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality into your marketing strategy. By using these technologies, you can create more immersive and interactive experiences for your customers that will help you sell more products and services. So if you’re looking to take your marketing to the next level, consider adding AR and VR to your strategy!

Adding Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to your marketing strategy can help you to create more engaging content, connect with customers in new ways, and boost your brand awareness. If you want to learn more about how to use these technologies, then please contact us today.

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