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How to Use Video Content at Live Events

Does your company put on live events regularly or are looking to start? Video content can be a great way to enhance your live events and create an immersive experience for your attendees both in-person and online.

Why is it important to include Video Content during Live Events?

First, let’s take a look at why you should be incorporating video content during your live event and what benefits each kind of video content can bring you.

When it comes to video content, there are a variety of different types that you can use. Here are a few of the most popular types of video content that you can use for your live events and how they can bring you success:

Live Stream

Producing a live streaming video is one of the most popular forms of content that people consume today. In fact, according to a report from the live streaming platform Livestream, 82% of consumers say they would rather watch a live video than read a blog post and 80% say they would rather watch a live video than scroll through social media posts. So, it’s no surprise that including a live streaming video to your events can really help boost engagement and reach.

You can use live video to engage with your digital audience by broadcasting the event live on social media or your website. You can also use it to engage with your in-person audience by interacting with them on the live streaming video. This can be a great way to ensure that no one misses out on the action and also to give those who couldn’t attend a chance to see what happened.


Another great benefit of video content is that it can be used to create a recap of your live event. This can be a great way to engage with your audience after the event is over and ensure that they stay connected to your brand. Plus, it’s a great way to get more exposure for your future live event as people who didn’t attend can watch the video and see what they missed.

Introduction Videos

If your event has speakers and presenters throughout the day, it can be beneficial to create short videos that introduce each speaker. This can help to engage your audience and get them excited for each new speaker. This is a great way to ensure that everyone is caught up on who the speakers are and what they’ll be talking about.

Panel Discussion Videos

Panel discussions can be a great way to get more out of your live events. Not only do they allow for a more interactive experience with your audience, but they also provide an endless amount of video content that you can use in the future. Panel discussions can be a little tricky to film, but if done correctly, they can be a great way to get more exposure for your live events.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos can do wonders for any event you’re organizing for your business. Explainer videos explain anything you want; from product demonstrations to your latest business stats, and more! When it comes to video content for live events, explainer videos are a great way to ensure that everyone who attends your event, in-person and online, understands what you’re trying to communicate.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonials are a great way to show off how happy your customers are with your products, services, and events! Getting testimonial videos during the event is a great way to get immediate feedback and share your attendees’ positive experiences with your online audiences.  After the event is over you can use these testimonial videos in your post-event video recap or to promote your products, services, and your next live events.

Event Recap Videos

Granted, this type of video won’t play until either the end of the event or after the event comes to a close, but they’re just as important. Event recap videos are a great way to thank attendees for their time and also to keep your brand on their minds. They’re a great way to get people excited about your next live event and give them a taste of what to expect from future events. These videos are also a great way to measure the success of your live events and see what you can improve on for next time.

Promotional Videos

If you have a sponsor or multiple sponsors for your live event, including your own business, having promotional videos of them and you throughout the event is a great way to promote their role in the event as well as what they do. Not only will this help to engage the audience, but it will also give potential customers a better idea of what your sponsors do and how they can help them.

As you can see, there are a variety of different types of video content that you can use to enhance your live events. Each type of video has its own unique benefits to help make your event more successful.

How Can I Incorporate Video Content into My Live Event?

There are many different ways to use video content during live events. You can use video content as a way to introduce or welcome guests, as a way to provide additional information about the event, or as a way to keep guests entertained. Additionally, you can use video content to create interactive experiences for the guests.

Here are ten different ways you can incorporate video content into your live event:

  1. Have a video screen up in the background as people are speaking or presenting. This can be a great way to add visual interest and keep people engaged.
  2. Use video content as part of your event’s décor. This can be a great way to add some extra flair and make your events more memorable.
  3. Use video content to create an interactive experience for guests. This can be done by having a video game set up or by having a video wall where people can post messages.
  4. Use video content to introduce or welcome guests. This can be a great way to set the tone for the event and help guests feel more comfortable.
  5. Use video content to provide additional information about the event. This can be a great way to ensure that guests have all of the information they need to make the most of the event.
  6. Use video content to keep guests entertained. This can be done by including humorous or interesting videos, or by using video content as a way to introduce speakers or panelists.
  7. Use video content to create recap videos after the event is over. These videos can help to keep your brand top-of-mind and get people excited for your next event.
  8. Use video content to promote your sponsors. This can be done by including promotional videos of them throughout the event or by having a video wall where guests can learn more about your sponsors.
  9. Use video content to show off your products and services. This can be done by including testimonial videos or by using video content to introduce or demonstrate your products and services.
  10. Use video content to live stream your event for more engagement on and off-line. By using video content in creative ways, you can help make your live event more interesting and engaging for guests in-person and online.

I Don’t Have the Means to Create Video Content or Put Together High-quality Videos for the Event. What Should I Do?

It’s ok if you don’t have the equipment or the time to create and set up video content to run during your live events. There are many companies that can help you to create video content for your events. Many companies have the equipment to provide the services to help you live stream your events.

C&I Studios is a company that can do all of the above! We’re your one-stop-shop to getting the best video content for not only your live events, but video content that can be used anywhere for any purpose.

We take pride in every piece of media that we create for our clients. We’ll work with you to make sure that your video content is high-quality and helps to make your live event a success.

In Conclusion…

You should be using video content throughout your live events! They will bring you and your attendees a more lively and engaging experience, no matter if they’re attending in-person or via livestream. You’ll get more testimonials, more interactions on social media, and your attendees will appreciate being informed and intrigued throughout the event.

And if you don’t have the means to create video content or make sure your video content is rolling during the event appropriately, it’s time to call in reinforcements! C&I Studios specializes in video content for live events. We can help you to create video content, live stream your event, and so much more.

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