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Introducing Your New Host of Respek the Mic!

Introducing Devonte (a.k.a Marnino Toussaint of the Arts Prevails Program), your new host of Respek the Mic!


I usually craft my own introduction when announcing a new host for Respek the Mic. But, if I am being honest, I don’t have the right to chime in here. Devonte’s poem has too much feeling; too much sadness; too much truth; too much despair; too much pride; too much passion; too much shame, warmth and compassion… I think I’ll just keep my mouth shut and let Devonte tell it how it is.


The Many Hosts of Respek the Mic!

We change up our hosts from week to week. Many of our hosts are a part of the Arts Prevails Project right here in South Florida, like Darius Daughtry. You can check out Darius’s artwork on #UNCREATIVE. He shares a poem you’ll definitely want to listen to.

If you want to attend our next open mic night, check out the event details on Next Door’s Facebook. You can also catch the vibe on this video recap.

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