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Joshua Otis Miller, our CEO, has been voted into the Director’s Guild of America

“This has been one of my largest dreams of my entire life. I’m really excited for the next chapter of filmmaking.”
– Joshua Otis Miller

Joshua Otis Miller, our CEO, has been voted into the Director’s Guild of America! This is a monumental achievement for Joshua. Being voted into the Director’s Guild of America is THE highest level of recognition for a director in the production industry. 

We couldn’t be more proud of our commander in chief and his achievement! To have been voted in means that other members of the DGA like Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, and Ron Howard recognized the immense talent and dedication Josh puts into every one of his films.

Thank you, Director’s Guild of America members!

We would like to thank the members of the Director’s Guild of America for this golden opportunity you handed to Joshua. Becoming a member of the DGA has been Josh’s goal for a while now and being able to achieve this goal is a testament to how dedicated Josh is to making sure that every production, be it corporate work or a feature film, is produced at top-quality. This is an incredible accomplishment for Josh and one that we will continue to celebrate, but not too hard because there is more work to be done.

And a big o’ thank you, to you!

We want to take a second and say a big thank you to you, our clients and friends, for supporting Josh over the years. It’s because of your loyalty and trust that he was able to achieve greatness like this. We can’t wait to work with each and every one of you again, or for the first time, and show you what we can do as a crew run by a DGA director! Thank you for your continued support and thank you for being a part of this journey!

Congratulations, Josh! We are beyond proud of you for leading C&I Studios to greatness. We can’t wait to see what you achieve with this power. You deserve it!

What does this mean for US??!

Well, for one, this means that C&I Studios is destined for even greater productions. It cements our place as one of the top production companies in the industry because we are ran by one of the top directors in the world. We have limitless opportunities. With Joshua’s lead, C&I Studios will take over the film industry. Get ready to see more of Joshua Otis Miller and C&I Studios!

What does this mean for our clients?

It means that you are working with the best of the best, but Im sure you knew that! Our crew’s skills and experience are only going to continue to grow. We will be among the best in the industry and will continue to produce the highest quality productions you all are used to.

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