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Podcast Production Tips for 2023

Podcast Production Tips for 2023

It might seem like everyone you know and their mother has a favorite podcast that they rave about any chance they get. You may even have a collection of podcasts that you continually return to. But what is the secret to making a successful podcast like those you and your friends listen to? Lucky for you, C&I Studios is here to help!
Elements of a website header video

Elements of a website header video

Think of your website as if it's a first impression. Because that's exactly what it is. Your company website is your first impression upon anyone who clicks on it! So what can you do to make sure that your website makes the best first impression on future clients and customers possible? Have a great website header video, of course!
10 Elements every Docuseries should Feature

10 Elements every Docuseries should Feature

By now you know that documentaries are some of the most binge-watched media out there. So it stands to reason that producing a documentary is a great way to create a high-quality, engaging piece of content that viewers will love. But before you jump in and start shooting your film, there are some important elements you should be including in order for your documentary to be successful.
2023 Advertising Trends (longform)

2023 Advertising Trends (longform)

Advertising has gone through a major shift in recent years, with brands now focusing more on longform content as an effective way of connecting with their target audiences.
The Key Ingredients to Marketing an Ecomm Startup

The Key Ingredients to Marketing an Ecomm Startup

So you've started an eCommerce store, congratulations! Now it's time to start marketing your business and getting customers. The key to success with eCommerce is reaching the right audience and offering them the products they want. Whether it's a beauty brand or you're selling handmade items as a small business, you need to have a great marketing strategy!
Livestreaming 101

Livestreaming 101

Livestreaming is becoming increasingly popular as a way to reach out and engage with your audience. Live streaming services such as YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Twitch and Periscope are great tools to tap into the power of real-time interaction with your followers.
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