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Assembly Members
Houghtaling & Downey

Assembly Members
Houghtaling & Downey

76 Words is one of America’s most diverse political communications firms. Every year, they help to elect and empower the new American majority by connecting voters with political candidates who have their, and the entire United States’, best interests at heart. Their loyalty lies with candidates who harbor progressive visions for the future. Because of this, they are quite selective regarding the candidates they choose to support. There is a specific criteria that 76 Words’ candidates must adhere to. Above all else, they must think selflessly and act with the sole intention of ushering in a new era in American society — one designed for the people and derived from equality.


76 Words endorsed New Jersey Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey because of their combined ability to bring better jobs to their state, lower property taxes, and level the financial playing field for women. As a career politician, Assemblyman Houghtaling has a keen understanding of the troubles affecting middle class, working families. And as an attorney in private justice, Assemblywoman Downey understands the imbalance in our judicial system, which she is working to reform for the benefit of the entire New Jersey population. Their dedication to the economical improvement of New Jersey and their ability to create positive change certainly distinguishes them on the political frontier.

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