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Color Basic Fun Logo
Closeup of stuffed animal being held by a child

We here at C&I Studios and the great people at Basic Fun, together, created an epic national video commercial. In addition to headshots of the child models showing off how fun playing with Basic Fun’s Cutitos collectible toys can be.

Male child posing for camera smiling with two purple stuffed animals on his shoulders

Basic Fun’s campaign was intended for children between the ages of 7 and 11 so we made sure to hire child models of the same age to show children around the nation how much fun and excitement they can have if they had one of these cute collectible Cutitos toys!

Closeup of stuffed animal being held by a smiling girl

This video was completely shot in our studio. We built the large set, with special tinted lighting, choreographed the dances, and filmed the production with a small crew of only three people!

Small-Scale Crew, Big Results!

On set, we had 20 children that were ready, willing, and able to dance their hearts out for this production. They worked well with our three man crew while we choreographed all the dances on the fly. Directing such a production can be difficult, but between C&I Studios and Basic Fun working together, we crushed it!

Group of smiling boys and girls dancing on set with a light green background
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