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Jedidiah Learning Steps Video Documentary

Jedidiah Learning Steps is a nonprofit school on the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia that offers children and teens free schooling and educational services. Their vision for united and prosperous Zambia begins with the children. They trust in the power of knowledge and have pledged to instill likeminded respect for schooling in their students. Jedidiah Learning Steps was started by Sifelani Mwale in 2010. At first, her school had 25 students. It has since grown to well over 300 students! They are in the process of building a fully functioning school building to give the children more comfort and space to grow.


We filmed the following video documentary for Jedidiah Learning Steps through our 501c(3) nonprofit organization, C&I Reach. We wanted to shed light on their ongoing mission and inform viewers about life in Zambia. We filmed this video documentary during our first trip to Jedidiah Learning Steps so it plays much like an origin story. Being there, getting to know and experience life in Zambia firsthand, added a lot of authenticity and accuracy to our documentary.


We used this video documentary production to help Jedidiah Learning Steps market their brand. To succeed they need to attract the global spotlight. This video is a great start in achieving just that. If you’d like to help Jedidiah Learning Steps build their brand new school, please visit our website and donate.

Group of African American children in a classroom
Group of African American children standing in line
View of many children and adults
Two African American boys playing bongo drums in front of a lot of children and adults
Two African American boys and a girl in a classroom with a teacher showing them something on a computer
Group of African American children sitting in chairs posing for the camera
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