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Kali Boxes

Bring Wellness Full Cycle

Kali Boxes was started by our close friend Sara Shake of ExposedPR and her partner Joanna Piira to help ease that time of the month for women in a healthier and wholesome way.


Kali Boxes are a subscription box service intended to raise awareness of what women are putting in their bodies. As health-conscious individuals, Sarah and Joanna wanted to make the option of choosing organic an easy one. In doing so, every purchase also donates a $1 of the cost to Girl Up, the United Nations Foundation’s Adolescent Girl Campaign.


Kali Boxes Product Photography

Photography was an essential factor in Kali Boxes quick growth.

One of the chief reasons photography was so necessary is because of the honesty we employed. Nothing is embellished or misleading. We showcased the exact products that would be delivered in each box.


This also helped ease conumsers into this new style of shopping.


As with anything new, consumers are often apprehensive. That’s why honest photography such as this was so effective. Consumers needed to know what they were committing to. They needed to see the real products, the real packaging… all of it. We believe that that is how brands should operate. Nothing is more attractive than honesty in marekting. So, we made sure our content was accurate across the board.

Five demo graphics
Person holding picked balls of cotton in white gloves with black dots
Closeup of two tampons laying on pile of picked balls of cotton
The Mist spray on display surrounded by ring of pink roses
View of October Calendar with Kali Day entry with lipstick and pink roses
Display of tampons, wipettes, sugar scrub, and The Mist spray
View from above of woman with opened box containing tampons and wipette
Box with light brown colored name and web address next to various contents consisting of tampons, wipettes and spray
Aerial display of bath salts, wake up oil, spray, wipettes, tampons and body scrub and exfoliator
Closeup of tampons
Closeup of The Mist Spray the Meh Away bottle
Closeup view of tampon with white flower
Closeup of pink rose in a sanitary pad
Closeup of underside of sanitary pads and pink rose in a container
Closeup of tampons
Closeup of Lavender Infused Bath Salts
Three pink flowers and tampon on display
Display with Bath Salts, Body Scrub and Exfoliator, Wake Up Oil, spray and wipette
Closeup of tampons, wipettes and spray in a box
Closeup of tampons and spray with wipette
Closeup of two wipette packages on display
Closeup of the Wipette wipes
Display of container of Body Scrub and Exfoliator
Display of container of Wake Up Oil by cups
Display of eight super tampons and four regular tampons stacked
Three boxes with top box having light brown colored name and web address
Display of regular and super tampons
Display of eight super tampons
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