The Brand:
Pierce Aesthetics is a cosmetic dentistry practice located in Tustin, CA. With a growing practice, and a desire to stay connected with current patients and make connections with new ones, Dr. Pierce asked C&I to develop a plan for Pierce Aesthetics social marketing.

Telling their Story
We began by creating original video and photography content centered around the patient experience in the Pierce Aesthetics office. From patient testimonials, to explainer videos centered around the technologies found within the office, we built out a library of content to be used in social marketing that was valuable to Dr. Pierce’s audience, and also valuable for us to use in his social media posting.
The next step in the social marketing strategy was storytelling. By hearing the voices and experiences of his patients, we made the services that Pierce Aesthetics provides more approachable to his audience. And by having the faces that patients see in the office, from hygienists to receptionists, be a part of the story, we were able to present the practice from many perspectives.
After we had been creating content for Pierce Aesthetics for a few months, Dr. Pierce asked us to begin focusing on content creation for Pierce Robotics, the technology arm of his practice. From the Yomi robotic-guided implant system by Neocis to the Mavrik Whitening technology, we captured imagery to communicate what can seem like daunting, or even scary, technologies in a very easy-to-understand way to potential patients.
Creating regular content for Pierce’s social platforms on an ongoing basis has been a great experience. We have a library of tried and true videos that he can recycle throughout the year to increase his engagement with patients who are interested in cosmetic dental care. And we continually produce newer pieces of content featuring new technology coming soon through the practice. As a result, his patients have been more engaged, more open to procedures that they had previously felt uncertain about, and most importantly, his business has grown.