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State Senator
Colin Bell

State Senator
Colin Bell

76 Words is one of America’s most diverse political communications firms. Every year, they help to elect and empower the new American majority by connecting voters with political candidates who have their, and the entire United States’, best interests at heart. Their loyalty lies with candidates who harbor progressive visions for the future. Because of this, they are quite selective regarding the candidates they choose to support. There is a specific criteria that 76 Words’ candidates must adhere to. Above all else, they must think selflessly and act with the sole intention of ushering in a new era in American society — one designed for the people and derived from equality.


76 Words endorsed Colin Bell for New Jersey State Senator of the 2nd Legislative District. He promised to balance state spending so his district would earn equal funding to other key parts in the state. As a prosecutor and free trader, he understood the political landscape governing state spending. His ability to confront serious issues head-on and devise appropriate solutions earned him the majority vote in 2017.

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