The RED ONE was RED Digital Cinema’s first production camera. Using an S35mm image plane, the RED ONE displays a natural depth of field from 2K to over 4K resolutions. The first RED ONEs were outfitted with the 12-megapixel MYSTERIUM sensor capable of capturing up to 120 frames per second at 2K resolution and 30 frames per second at 4K resolution. The only possible acquisition format is REDCODE RAW. The cameras were initially sold with a CF card slot that later could be replaced with a REDMAG module.
The second generation, RED ONE MYSTERIUM-X has a 14-megapixel MYSTERIUM-X sensor. It captures up to 120 frames per second at 2K resolution and up to 30 frames per second at 4K resolution. With the upgraded sensor, the RED ONE MYSTERIUM-X offers a more dynamic range, higher sensitivity, and enhanced color management tools than the RED ONE MYSTERIUM, making feature film work a breeze.