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Top Mistakes People Make when Livestreaming Corporate Events


Livestreamed events have become all the rage in today’s world. When people couldn’t gather, we adapted to Livestreaming so that everyone could still enjoy a social event. Businesses are using Livestreaming as a way to connect with their customers and create an interactive experience.

While Livestreaming can be a great way to engage with customers, clients, and coworkers, there are a few things that businesses need to keep in mind so that their Livestreams goes off without a hitch.

When Livestreaming a corporate event, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can ruin the broadcast or make your company look sloppy. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your Livestream.

Not having a plan:

It’s important to have a plan for your Livestream. What are you going to talk about? What order will things happen in? What type of content are you going to show? Having a plan will help keep your Livestream on track and avoid any awkward silences.

Not having a script:

A script can help you stay on track during your Livestream. It’s also helpful to have a checklist of things you need to do before, during, and after the event. Scripts don’t have to be word-for-word when it comes to events like these, but that can be helpful depending on what you’re Livestreaming. If you’re streaming someone’s lecture, it could help to at least have an outline of the speech so that you can plan for the right amount of time to cut away to commercials or other videos.

Not having a plan for Q&A:

If you’re going to have a Q&A session during the Livestream, make sure you have a plan for how it will work. You’ll need to decide on a time limit and how questions will be submitted. Where are you getting the questions from? Will you be asking your Twitter followers or other social media audiences for questions? Or are the questions coming directly from the platform that you’re Livestreaming on? You should make sure that your moderators know where to pull your questions from.

You should make sure your moderators have a list of topics that should certainly be brought up. As well as what topics are absolutely not allowed to be talked about. So that they can go through and choose which questions to ask the speaker(s) accordingly as they come through via social media or other avenues.

Not having a moderator:

A moderator can help keep the Livestream on track and answer questions from viewers. Moderators are essential for Q&A sessions and for panel discussions. They make sure everyone is civil, asking the right questions, and keeping time; so that everyone has the ability to submit their questions for consideration. Moderators should be professional speakers, or at the very least experts in the field that the event is focused on.

Not rehearsing:

If you don’t rehearse, things can go wrong during the actual Livestream. Make sure you run through all the segments and know what you’re going to say.

Rehearsal should be done within 24-48 hours of your event. When your rehearsing you want to rehearse with all of the same equipment set up. The same people who will be speaking (if they’re available) should practice their speech on stage. The stage should look just as it will on the day of the event.

Of course, there will be moments that you can’t rehearse, such as Q&A sessions. Unless you somehow have access to the questions ahead of time, but you’re more likely to have questions being asked in the moment.

Not checking your equipment beforehand:

This goes hand-in-hand with rehearsing. You want to make sure your equipment works once it’s set up before you go live. Make sure that your microphones work, that your camera stands are intact, and that you have backup equipment in case something goes awry.

It can help to have a checklist ahead of time and check off what you need to pack and what you need to test. This will help avoid any surprises when it comes time for your Livestream.

Not using a tripod:

A tripod will help keep your camera stable, which is important when Livestreaming. Stable cameras help to make the video quality better and won’t distract the viewers from what they’re meant to be watching.

No one wants to tune into a Livestream with a shaky camera. It can make it difficult to watch for many people, including anyone with neurological troubles. You want to make sure that you’re appealing to as many potential customers and clients as possible! Making sure that your Livestream is accessible in every way possible will assure that you reach more viewers.

Not having a backup plan:

If something goes wrong with the Livestream, you’ll need a backup plan to keep your audience informed. Make sure you have another way to share your event with your viewers. Technology can fail. If it does during your Livestream, you’ll want to have a backup plan ready to go. Make sure you have all of your equipment tested and know how to use it before the event begins.

If something goes wrong with your computer or internet connection, be prepared to switch to your backup plan. This could mean having a person manning a phone line or social media account to keep your audience updated on what’s happening.

Not Livestreaming in high definition:

People are used to HD-quality videos, so if you’re not Livestreaming in HD they may be disappointed. Make sure your camera is set up to Livestream in HD to give your viewers the best possible experience.

When you don’t Livestream in the best quality possible, you’re also making it so that your Livestream isn’t as accessible as it can be. If your speakers have sign language translators but the video feed is pixelated too much that people can’t follow along with the translation, it’s as if the translator isn’t even there. You don’t want closed captions to lag either. Sound quality might not be great if the video quality isn’t up to par. Video quality affects every part of the Livestream, so it’s important to make sure it is of the highest quality you can stream in.

Poor audio:

If people can’t hear you, they won’t stick around for long. Make sure your audio is clear and concise so that people can hear what you’re saying. You want to make sure you’re using professional microphones that are meant for Livestream events. You might also want to consider using a mixer so you can have more control over the sound of your Livestream.

Not having a good internet connection:

If your internet connection is poor, it could lead to a poor Livestream. Make sure you have a good internet connection or have someone on hand who can help troubleshoot any problems that may arise. A poor internet connection will affect every part of your Livestream. From audio lags to pixelated video. It never bodes well for your Livestream to use spotty internet.

Not promoting the Livestream:

Make sure you promote your Livestream well in advance of the event. Let people know where to find it and what they can expect from it. Every event needs to be promoted, not just Livestream events! If no one knows about it they won’t attend. So you want to make sure that you’re promoting it everywhere possible! Social media, e-mail marketing, and making sure it’s front and center on your website are the easiest ways to promote your event.

Not thanking viewers afterward:

Thank your viewers for watching the Livestream and let them know when the next event will be. Making sure that your viewers know that their attention and time are appreciated is such a simple way to retain them as an audience for future events and campaigns. Thanking them for their time and engagement will show that you appreciate them and want to keep them in the loop for future events.

Not having a plan for after the Livestream:

What are you going to do after your Livestream is done? Are you going to post it on social media? Will there be a recording available? Make sure you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the video footage from your Livestream. You may want to edit it and post it on social media or you may want to use it in future marketing materials. You can learn how to repurpose video content for future marketing campaigns!

Not including a call to action:

A call to action during a Livestream event can be anything! It could be as simple as telling viewers to visit your website or follow you on social media. Make sure you include a call to action during your Livestream so that viewers know what you want them to do next. This can help increase the chances that they’ll take the action you want them do like asking the speakers questions for any Q&A you have planned, or engaging with each other in chats during the Livestream and connecting with other viewers!

Not hiring help when you need it:

If you’ve never done a Livestream before, you might want to seek out the help of a professional video production company that has tackled this type of project before.

C&I Studios has been able to produce amazing Livestream events for a plethora of different companies over the years. We’re experts in the subject and we know how to produce a fun, interactive, engaging, and informational Livestream event to capture your audiences attention and retain it. Our expertise will help boost your Livestream events in quality and in engagement.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now that you know what NOT to do when preparing and streaming your live event, why not start planning one? Livestreamed events are the future of video marketing and if you’re not participating you might fall short in your marketing.

At C&I Studios, we specialize in video production. We have a wealth of experience and know-how when it comes to producing successful Livestream events for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about our Livestream services!

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