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What is a Successful Video Marketing Strategy?

There are so many avenues for getting the word about your company out there. Today, let’s break down just one facet of your marketing strategy- video marketing.

What video marketing means is putting video content on a video-sharing platform online. YouTube, for example, is a video-sharing platform that allows you to upload a video of any length from your computer or mobile device and share it with the world! TikTok, on the other hand, allows for short videos but provides a completely different viewership than YouTube.

Video marketing can be an extremely powerful tool when done correctly. In this article we will look at what a successful marketing strategy looks like.

What is Video Marketing Strategy?

A video marketing strategy is the framework and set of tactics for creating and distributing video content to help your business achieve its goals. Video marketing can be a powerful tool but unless it’s part of an overall video marketing strategy, your video efforts may not deliver on their full potential.

The video marketing process has two major components: creation and distribution. Both of these components are important to consider when looking at video marketing strategy as a whole. In video marketing, video content is created for different purposes and therefore needs to be distributed in a way that the video will be successful in both gaining an audience as well as gaining new customers that spend money on your services or products.

Marketing strategies are usually defined by the company’s marketing department. However, video production companies, like C&I Studios can help you define your video marketing strategy based on your objectives and resources. They can also expand your resources with their own available resources. Such as production crews and people to edit in post-production, which are things your company may not have on hand. Video producers will base their video marketing ideas on information they learn about you during the video production planning process.

The outcome of video marketing is video content that’s distributed to the right audience. In video marketing, video content is often shared on social media sites and embedded in websites. However, video can be used for a variety of purposes, including product demonstrations, customer testimonials, and more.

Whatever the video content you’re putting out, it’s getting your company and what you’re selling in front of millions of people. Awareness alone will bring in at least a trickle of more customers, but great content and proper distribution of videos that showcase how amazing your company, products, and services are will really boost your sales and income.

Content Creation

Having engaging content is important. You want your target audience to react positively, be it sharing your videos with their friends and family, subscribing to your future videos and marketing efforts, or making a purchase. Video marketing content can include but is certainly not limited to, video reviews, video interviews, video testimonials, music videos, and video ads. Some companies even like to participate in popular fads such as dance choreography challenges or put out funny skits that keep their audiences wanting more.

Video Content

Video content needs to be relevant to your target audience’s interests and informative enough for them to find it helpful in some way. The video production company will help you determine what video topics work best with your target audience.

If you already have an established customer base, research what type of content they’re engaging with. Ask some of your customers what video content they like and how it helped them make a purchase. If you’re just starting out, video marketing can be an effective way to create awareness for your brand and also get customers from other social media platforms by sharing video content with their friends via various social media outlets.

Viewers want content they can engage with. They want video creators to be passionate about what they’re talking about. They want to see original content, not the same videos that are already on their social media feeds. Make sure you plan video shoots with this in mind. Preparation is essential for video marketing success.

Copy and Captions

Just as important as your video content is the text that accompanies it. Titles, descriptions, captions, and tags are all video marketing components that make your videos easier for everyone to find. These elements need to be compelling and relevant so viewers will want to click on your video and watch it.

The amount of text you include will depend on whether video search engines or social media sites are ranking your video higher. The more people who see your video, the more video views you’ll get, which is what video marketing success is all about.

If going the route of hiring a video production company, they will be able to help you determine how much text to include with your video content. This is information they learn during the video planning process with their client in order to produce video marketing that’s shareable and engaging for viewers.

Create video marketing titles and video descriptions that tell your customers what type of video they’re in for and why it’s important. With video descriptions, you’ll be able to provide more information along with the video content that viewers might find helpful. You can also use video transcripts or subtitles as a way of providing supplemental video content that isn’t visual.

Captions are more important now than ever. Making sure that your video is accessible to all will guarantee that your video is viewed by a larger audience. If everyone can watch and understand what’s going on, then they’re more likely to share it.

People are searching video marketing topics on social media sites daily, so your video needs to be tagged with relevant video marketing keywords.

Audience Engagement

Once you’ve produced some compelling video marketing content, use it as an opportunity to engage with your target audience. Interact with them via the comments section of each video you post or through other avenues that video marketing platforms provide you.

Commenting on your own video marketing content is a great way to engage with your customers and show them that video isn’t just a one-way street for video marketing. You can build business relationships as well as express gratitude for their loyalty as customers.


The video that’s created for your video marketing campaign should be distributed in a number of different ways. This includes social media platforms, video hosting sites, video aggregation websites, and video advertising networks. Distribution can even include posting the video content on your business website or sending it to people who have previously shared their email addresses with you.

Distributing your video in multiple ways is important, too. You want to make sure that you’re reaching people who are interested in your video content, and they aren’t always just in one corner of the world wide web. Think of posting your video in multiple places as casting a wide net in order to reach everyone in your target audience.

It’s also important to think about the video content itself when distributing video marketing material. For example, if you have a video where someone is reviewing your fishing lures, it might be worth posting this video on video-hosting websites that are mostly fishing-related instead of just video game-related video sites.

When video marketing content is distributed in the right places, viewership tends to increase which leads to the video ranking rising on search engines.


Websites and video content go hand in hand—in fact, a video is the most engaging form of content online today. According to recent studies, including an Adobe study about video marketing, video is proven to increase engagement rates by as much as 80%. Basically, people respond well to video marketing.

Website videos can range from testimonials from past customers to how-to videos, and unboxing videos to show potential customers what exactly they’re paying for. They can also introduce your company, employees included, to the general public in order to make potential customers feel at ease being able to see the humans behind the brand.

It’s worth investing in fantastic video content to embed on your company’s website, as video is one of the most effective ways to provide value and engage with your target audience. The video is accessible by all website visitors and search engines like Google and Bing will also find and index your video for more exposure.

Of course, these videos only get viewed by people who are already viewing your website. That’s why video marketing on video-sharing websites and social media platforms is a more common practice, As it’ll allow more people who aren’t aware of your company to watch and share your video content.

Social Media

It’s no secret that social media is one of the best places to post any content that advertises your business and video content is no exception. In fact, video content is one of the best types of content to post on social media. Social media is an inexpensive way to post your advertisements. Posting usually free unless you want to pay for promoted posts which are usually not too pricey.

However, it’s not always the best strategy to just post your videos all willy-nilly on every platform and hope for the best. Distributing video marketing material via social media needs to be strategic and well thought out. You want your video to reach the maximum number of people while also distributing it in a way that’s helpful and relevant for them. For example, if you post video content about how to use your products or services, you might be better off posting it on Instagram as opposed to LinkedIn.

For the video marketing strategy to be a successful one, you need to plan how video content can be distributed in a way that makes sense for your company and your customers.

Email Marketing

Plenty of businesses use video content as a way to send introductory emails or newsletters. Or video content can even be sent to individual customers who may have requested more information about your product or service.

If video content about your company is recorded, you can send it out via email marketing in order to bring potential and new customers up to speed on what exactly you do. You can also include 30-60 second condense video content content of testimony from past customers to further solidify the benefits of working with your company.

Feeling overwhelmed by this process? Contact C&I Studios today to get started. C&I Studios offers video production services of all kinds, among many other services that allow you to convey the story you want to tell via marketing media. We’ve worked with many businesses to create amazing and successful videos that tell their stories and have the knowledge to really make your company’s video marketing strategy a successful one.

Video marketing is a great way for you to tell your story, so go ahead, start sharing video content!

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