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What’s the best type of video for my Industry?

Everybody knows that video marketing is best for engagement and reaching consumers. But what type of video content should you create that will suit your company’s industry the best? It’s not always a cut and dry answer as many different kinds of videos work well for multiple industries. However, what types of videos are most commonly seen as the best type for certain industries?

Here is a list of video types that perform best in each industry:

1) Entertainment Industry: Short and Fun Videos That Capture People’s Attention

What do you think the highest viewed YouTube video of all time is? It’s “Charlie Bit My Finger” which has more than 815 million views! This video might not be the most illuminating or informative, but it proves that the entertainment industry loves videos that capture their viewers’ attention and make them laugh. A video of a kid laughing at his brother biting him will always be relatable and humorous.

Entertainment doesn’t just stop at funny videos. Companies in the entertainment industry thrive on hit songs, music videos, and dance choreographies. Companies should take advantage of this by putting out engaging content that entertains audiences. These videos can spread like wildfire, especially on platforms like TikTok if you allow other users to use your music or engage them in challenges on choreography.

There’s also been a large uptick in true crime and other story-telling entertainment. These types of videos are being watched more than ever thanks to the success of channels like Buzzfeed Unsolved, which explore unsolved mysteries.

The entertainment industry is very diverse in topics that can be covered in videos. Videos that entertain are videos that win.

2) Technology Industry: Videos That Increase Productivity or Improve User Experience

In the technology industry, videos that increase productivity or improve the user experience work best. Video content could show a new piece of technology being used in a specific way to solve a problem. Videos could also show off a new feature or design to convince people that they need it.

A company might also consider how their product or service can positively impact users’ lives and save them precious time and money. Technology can be seen as an investment depending on how it works to save the user time and money, even though technology advances quickly these days and will need to be updated sooner rather than later. Understanding the importance of a piece of technology is crucial to a customer when making a purchase.

3) Education Industry: Videos That Are Informative or Educational

People in the education industry know that video marketing can increase their web traffic. This demonstrates the importance of video content in this space. With virtual learning becoming more and more relevant, educational videos and content are more important than ever.

This can also be a very content-specific industry, as there are many types of videos that could be used to inform and educate audiences. Videos explaining new learning techniques or educational theories can help users understand how to use their education products more effectively.

Making the educational experience more engaging is something companies should strive for by introducing informative video content.

Education and training videos can be educational and give value to end-users. These types of videos benefit the education industry because they inform viewers about topics that interest them and help students remember content better. Educational videos can range from tutoring for any age of student to courses for professionals to how-tos for hobbyists.

4) Financial Industry: Videos That Are Helpful, Simple, and Accurate

Producing as many as 8 videos can boost your lead generation by 96%. The financial industry is no different. Ultimately, video content in this space should be simple and accurate so consumers understand the information you’re sharing with them. It’s also important to make sure the video is helpful and in some way solves a problem your consumer might be facing.

Videos types that best portray these ideals could be how-to or Q&A videos. When you’re looking for a company to help you with your taxes, for example, you want someone who knows what they’re doing and can explain the information back to you in ways the general public will understand. You want to be able to easily find the information you need, too.

5) Health Industry: Videos That Are Informative and Related To The Consumer’s Daily Life

Videos that relate to the daily lives of consumers perform best in this industry. For example, imagine you’re considering getting braces but don’t know if it’s worth the investment. You might search for a video that explains what you can expect after getting braces and how your daily life will change as a result. This kind of video is perfect for this industry because it provides consumers with the information they need to make an informed decision on any health-related purchase.

Fitness videos also fall into this category. If you’ve got a product that can help people work out and be healthy, then videos that show what working out is like when your product is used will perform well. In today’s world, going to the gym isn’t always available, so being able to put out fitness videos that show potential customers how your company approaches at-home fitness can really reel in new customers.

6) Professional Services Industry: Videos That Are Informative and Convey Professionalism

When consumers search for a service, such as legal services or professional consultancy, videos that provide helpful information on the subject matter demonstrate you’re a credible business. Being trustworthy is crucial when it comes to this industry. Consumers are likely to hire consultants who they know will help them make informed decisions and get the results they’re looking for.

For example, testimonial videos work great to put the services your company provides in a positive light. These types of videos are helpful because they show people using your services and how positive the experience was. These videos could also be success stories or similar customer-oriented content. It’s important for the customer to be able to see how the service can benefit them, so having positive outcomes presented in easy-to-consume media is crucial.

7) Retail Industry: Videos That Are Informative and Convey Good Customer Service

Consumers who search online want to know everything about a product or service before making a purchase, so videos that convey good customer service will go a long way. Good customer service includes friendly employees who are well informed on what they’re selling as well as is relatable to the customer.

For example, imagine you’re considering buying a new product and want to know how it will fit into your life. You might search for a video demonstrating the product in use or a review of the product from a consumer who has tried it before. This kind of video gives you all the information you need to make a decision on whether to purchase. It may also give you more reasons to purchase, having not known previously some of the benefits to making said purchase.

Simple unboxing videos can also bring awareness to new products that your retail space is carrying. The excitement of a consumer receiving the product for the first time can engage potential customers.

Additionally, be sure to highlight strong points of your company’s retail space. What makes it unique from other stores? How will consumers benefit from shopping there? How might this shop benefit the community it exists in? Answers to these questions should be addressed in videos that induce purchase.

8) Beauty Industry: Videos That Are Entertaining or Just Plain Pretty

Everyone loves to be entertained. They also love seeing beautiful things, whether it’s pictures or video content of different landscapes or makeup tutorials. Video marketing in the beauty industry is all about being entertaining and capturing people’s attention while at the same time inspiring them with something beautiful.

For example, imagine you have a series of videos for your business that show customers how to pull off different hairstyles or makeup looks. You could put these videos on YouTube and link back to your website so people can find out more about the products they need to complete each look.

It’s entertaining content that inspires consumers, too. In recent years, YouTubers who do makeup tutorials have begun explaining true crime stories to entertain their audience and cross over into two niches instead of just one.

9) Sports Industry: Videos That Are Informative, Inspirational, or Entertaining

There are a number of different types of videos that perform well for this industry — informative, inspirational, and entertaining.

When you’re looking to hire a sports trainer, for example, you want to know if they have the qualifications and expertise needed to help you achieve your goals. You also want them to have the right level of enthusiasm and good people skills. A video demonstrating a sports trainer at work provides all of this information in one go. In fact, it communicates more than just words could do on their own, which is important for this industry.

Inspirational videos that show athletes going from nothing to success also perform well here because they both inform and inspire. Inspiration can come from athletes performing well in their respective sports, but also in anything they do outside of their jobs that gives back to their community.

10) Transportation Industry: Videos That Are Informative and Convey You are an Authority

Consumers in the transportation industry need to know everything about the vehicles they’re considering purchasing or the service they’re looking to hire. They want to be able to trust your business is an authority on what you’re selling.

For example, if you’re looking for a new car, you want to know the history of the model you’re interested in. A video that provides this information demonstrates your company knows what it’s talking about. This is also true if you’re selling commercial vehicles or specialized machines.

Videos that are informative and convey authority on your brand perform well for marketing in any industry, but they are particularly important when it comes to this industry.

You can also think about videos that are informational or entertaining in the travel industry, particularly with tourism destinations. Make sure to show people having fun and staying safe in your videos having to do with tourism, as fun is the main reason for this kind of travel and safety is one of the greatest concerns when traveling.



So what do you think will be the most effective video content to elevate your company within your industry? Think about all of these possibilities and more as you’re creating your content strategy. The most important thing to remember is to focus on what your audience wants to see. The more you know about them, the better equipped you’ll be to create videos that perform well for marketing in your industry. Keep these tips in mind as you produce content and see which ones resonate most with your target market!

You don’t have to limit yourself to these ideas, either. Get creative and explore more of what your target demographics are reacting to. Don’t give up if any of your videos flop, either. Keep trying new ideas to find your company’s niche in the world of video marketing. Video marketing is a fantastic way to build brand awareness and increase conversions online.

Here at C&I Studios, we focus on your brand and what your target audience wants to see. Hiring a professional service like C&I Studios will make sure to help you create videos that will grab new potential customers and really make a mark in your industry.

If you’re looking for help producing some video content, check out our Video Production page for more information and check out the many other services C&I Studios has to offer!

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