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Why Hire A Video Production Company?

Video is a popular and effective digital marketing tool to connect a brand with its target audience

Once the sole domain of the trained professional, video went global when the first home video camera was introduced. Overnight, millions of people became amateur filmmakers.

You can indeed create your own video content, and you can do it right from your phone. Social media platforms make it easy to make and post videos of all types and lengths. The popularity of video as a storytelling medium is at an all-time high. Consider video editing and streaming platform Tik Tok. It’s gaining thousands of subscribers per month.

Study after study supports the effectiveness of video as a digital marketing tool. However, just as unique and engaging video content can elevate a brand’s profile and communicate its message and values in a positive, memorable way that no other medium can accomplish, a poorly made video can drag the whole thing down in 30 seconds.

Ten Reasons To Hire A Video Production Agency

  1. Taking a brand’s message from marketing campaign concept to shootable script and producing a high-quality professional video that resonates on an emotional level with potential customers is difficult for an experienced team who does it every day. You can’t do it. It is that simple.
  2. Only a video production house has the creative and technical expertise required to produce a professional quality video and shepherd it through Pre – Production, Production, and Post – Production. Talented artists and technicians with specialized skills that ensure the final product meets a high creative standard staff each phase. A weak link during any stage, or role, can sink a video project.
  3. Production value is the filmmaking term for doing as much as you can with as little as you have. A marketing campaign with a limited budget range can still produce a technically flawless video with dynamic, meaningful content that exceeds expectations. Video production professionals who possess the unique skill sets and experience to create “movie magic” will ensure a successful final product regardless of the resources.
  4. The quality of your finished product impacts the overall impression people will have of your brand or business. While there are bound to be exceptions if you do it yourself, the results will most likely be noticeably and egregiously wrong. Do not sacrifice expertise, skill, and quality to save a few dollars. Hire a professional video company instead.
  5. Your excellent concept and ideas may be just that – concepts and ideas. To take a concept from its inception and make it into a filmed property is so tricky the people who do it the best are paid millions of dollars. A professional video production company will collaborate with your marketing team to take the incredible ideas everyone is excited to share and bring that vision to life.
  6. If it’s not on the page, it’s not on the stage. This saying is a Hollywood truism. Chances are nobody on your team has experience writing a video script or knows how to take the final script and convert it into a shooting script. How about storyboards? Cold reads? Revisions? Script continuity? This is just the script. Video production companies employ writers with the creative vision to take a brand’s message and make it into a tangible blueprint that will be the foundation of the project’s success.
  7. The professional-grade equipment required to go from “page to stage” is different and better than the smartphone. A video shoot requires a wide array of cameras, lighting, audio-visual equipment, and editing equipment, all of which are useless in the hands of amateurs. Only trained people with high levels of technical and creative proficiency can unlock the possibilities of the technology.
  8. A video production team does more than provide the creative and technical expertise to guide your project through the video production process. The group brings industry knowledge and networks with them. They know the best sound stages, permit operations, and where to get that camera crane you’re dying to use for half the price – to name a few out of hundreds of essential details that are an integral part of high-quality video production. They bring several marathons worth of legwork that you and your busy team will not have to do.
  9. Creative differences: It’s not a term you hear or worry about until you have a room full of storytellers-by-assignment who have no professional training. Immovable positions will form. Conflicts will arise. Personal preferences will drive decisions instead of professional insight. In the end, the work will suffer, and the brand’s message will be underserved. “Gigli” happened, and your big corporate video can be just as big as a disaster if every shot has the shadow of Ken-from-Finance’s head in it.
  10. Professional secret: Making a film, any film, is excruciating in its monotony. If it’s not, the finished video will most likely be wrong. Professional pilots spend most of their time going through checklists, not actually “flying” the clear blue skies. Professional filmmaking is a series of lists that one prominent director once described as “getting your arm caught in a threshing machine.” You don’t want to do it.

Grow Your Business With Video Marketing

A business that doesn’t have a video marketing strategy misses the most significant opportunity to develop a relationship with its potential customers. Video’s effectiveness in communicating a brand’s message and values is unrivaled by any other medium and impacts other critical metrics such as conversion rates and customer retention. Leveraging video’s storytelling prowess is best achieved by partnering with professional video production companies.

Whether creating a 15-second Tik-Tok video or a web series, video quality, production value, entertainment value, technical proficiency, and appealing memorable content are the domains of multi-disciplinary skilled artisans. To ensure the success of all the hard work that goes into creating an iconic brand, the best way for a video project to succeed is to hire a video production company with the specialized talent necessary to create high-quality marketing video content.

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