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Why Your Event Will Benefit from Streaming

When you are planning an event, live streaming should be one of your top priorities. Live streaming can help to boost an event’s success in a number of ways, and it is becoming an increasingly important tool for marketing events.

Live streaming has become popular on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and more. In fact, live streaming on social media is growing at a rate of 112% each year. That means that if you’re not live streaming your event, you’re missing out on a major opportunity.

Live streaming is a powerful marketing tool, and when it comes to events, it should be one of your top priorities. By live streaming your event, you’re opening up your event to a larger audience, generating buzz and excitement, and giving people a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on.

There are many reasons why live streaming is such an important tool for marketing events. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Boosts Views and Reach

First and foremost, live streaming allows people who can’t attend your event in person to still see what’s happening. This is especially important for larger events that might have a limited number of tickets available. They’ll be able to tune in as they please, so if they’re physically unable to attend, they can still check out the bits of your event they really wanted to experience.

The general public may not know about your event until it actually happens, so having a live stream allows them to still interact with your event and be able to see if the event is something they’ll want to attend in the future if you continue hosting events of the same nature.

The more views you get, the farther you’re reaching, and the farther you reach, the more success you’ll have with not only the current event but with future events, future sales, and gaining more followers.

Provides Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Another great benefit of live streaming an event is that it allows people to see what goes on behind the scenes. This can be really helpful in giving people a better idea of what to expect from your event.

Behind-the-scenes footage can easily be repurposed into future marketing as well as provides your viewers with fun information, too. Everyone loves being able to see what happens behind the scenes, and live streaming provides that opportunity. People will be able to see what happens throughout the event so that they can know what to expect from any future event.

It can also help to create excitement and anticipation for the event, live streaming event set-up for a truly exclusive behind-the-scenes sneak peek. People love getting a sneak peek of what’s going on, and live streaming allows you to do just that.

Generates Buzz and Excitement

Streaming an event live helps to generate buzz and excitement among potential attendees. It also encourages people who might not have been planning to attend to reconsider. If you’re going to continue to host events like the one you’re live streaming, you’ll be showing your audience exactly what they can expect from a future event, luring them into buying tickets for any future event that you host.

If your event has someone famous, being able to live stream their segments of the event, such as a speech or book-reading, their social media platforms can share your live stream, thus giving you their entire audience on social media. It will create buzz, maybe even get you to trend and reach even more of an audience organically.

Creating excitement around an event will only help you in the future. When people are looking forward to something, they’re more likely to attend and even tell others about it. This is the perfect way to create a lasting impression on your viewers.

Helps with Sponsorship Opportunities

Live streaming an event can help you to snag some sponsorship opportunities. When potential sponsors see that your event is being live-streamed, they’ll be more likely to want to get involved. They’ll be able to see how many people you have tuned in to your event, how many people are engaging with the live stream, and so on. The more engagement you have, the more likely sponsors are going to agree to work together.

If your event is reaching thousands or millions of viewers, your event is likely being seen by other companies, celebrities, and other people who may be willing to sponsor the event in the future or willing to collaborate in other events with you.

The more sponsorships you get for an event, the better quality your event can be. You’ll be able to hire more help, popular talent, rent a bigger or fancier venue, even provide a better quality of refreshments and anything else you can think of that goes into planning an event.

Sponsors are important. As a company, you might not have it in your budget to host an event on your own, so making sure that you’re appealing to future sponsors is crucial. Live streaming can show future sponsors how your event runs in real-time, and you can use the footage from your live stream and repurpose it for future event promotions.

Boosts Engagement

One of the biggest benefits of live streaming is that it allows people who cannot attend the event to still participate, even a little bit. This is especially important for larger events that have a limited number of tickets. By live-streaming the event, you are opening it up to a larger audience and increasing the chances of reaching your target market. Engagement can be anything from simply watching the live stream to sharing the video with others, to commenting and interacting with the people who are streaming the video.

Live streaming also allows you to create a more personal connection with your audience. By live streaming an event, you are giving people the opportunity to see and hear from the people who are involved in the event. This can help to create a more engaged and interested audience.

The more engagement you have, the more successful your event will be.

Provides an Interactive Experience

Another advantage of live streaming is that it provides a more interactive experience for viewers. They can not only see what is happening on stage but they can also interact with other viewers and the event organizers. This creates a more engaging experience that can help to build loyalty among your audience.

With live streaming, you can host interactive polls, get questions live as people ask them, and so much more! People appreciate knowing that they’re being paid attention to, so including them throughout the event, even if they aren’t there in person, is a good way to boost your company’s reputation among your audience and customers.

If you have a popular speaker or guest, allowing your viewers to ask questions even if they’re not in attendance physically, you’re going to get more interaction. Interaction on a live stream usually translates to interaction outside of the event, too.

If you live stream your event, you can reach a larger audience to poll interaction from, create excitement among potential future attendees, and increase engagement. This will help to make your event more successful. Live streaming can also be used as a marketing tool for future events.


Live streaming can also help to promote your event. By posting live videos of the event on social media, you can reach a larger audience and generate excitement about the event.

Additionally, live streaming can be used to create a teaser video for the event that can be used to promote it online. If you plan on hosting similar events in the future, using footage from the previous event can really create more hype for future events. It gives your audience a sneak peek at what happens at your events. If you’re hosting a conference and you had a Q&A with a popular speaker, you’ll want to be able to show prospective attendees that you’re able to provide them with interactions with the people they want to hear from and interact with. They want to know that your event is worth the time and money they’ll invest in your event.

In addition, live streaming can help to create a sense of urgency among potential attendees. By letting people know that the event is live streaming, you are encouraging them to take action and purchase tickets sooner rather than later.

Ok, but I need help with live-streaming

That’s ok! Not everyone has the expertise to create an amazing live stream for your event. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and video production and live streaming are some of C&I Studios’ strengths!

Not only can we help you with the live stream, but we are able to take the footage from it and turn it into more marketing opportunities, too! In post-production, we can take any video footage and recycle it into something amazing that’s bound to create more success for you in the future.

Whether it’s a simple one-camera set up, or multi-camera set ups that require live switching, Zoom integration, and live mixing, C&I Studios has packages to meet your event live streaming needs.


As you can see, live streaming is a powerful tool that can help to boost the success of your event. If you’re not live streaming your event, you’re missing out on a major opportunity. Make sure to consider live streaming as part of your event marketing strategy!

If you are planning an event, live streaming should be one of your top priorities. Live streaming can help to boost an event’s success in a number of ways, and it is becoming an increasingly important tool for marketing events. By live-streaming the event, you are opening it up to a larger audience and increasing the chances of reaching your target market. Additionally, live streaming can be used to create a teaser video for the event that can be used to promote it online.


So, if you’re looking to give your event the best chance of success, live streaming is definitely a tool you should consider using.

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