Brandon Dymon Baker Beard Project
Brandon is easily one of the most talked about C&I crew members. Not because he’s cool or anything…his beard is just considered the studio mascot and the topic of many late night chats. So, it was only right that we kicked off the Beard Project during Art Walk with the dopest beard this side of the Mississippi.
Brandon’s story highlights his most fond memories of a girl — Sasha Tjo — who ultimately was the reason why he decided to embark on a journey to growing his epic beard.
While filming, we stopped by Dennis J’s Barbershop; a local spot Brandon got to visit for the first time and will perhaps be coined as the secret remedy to his super-soft-must-touch-make-girls-swoon beard.
Franco hooked it up, so do yourself a favor and book him.
So fellas, what’s up with that peach fuzz?