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How to Create Video Tutorials That Everyone Will Love

How to Create Video Tutorials That Everyone Will Love

According to Forbes, one of the biggest reasons people decide not to buy a product is that they feel like they can’t trust it or don’t understand it. 


In other words, you may need to be more transparent about your product, or service if you want them to sell better. How do you do that?


By creating easy-to-follow tutorials-duh, highlight how your products generate solutions, not problems. Whether you are teaching someone how to jam out on the latest electric guitar or showcasing a Pillsbury mixing bowl, people like to know what they are buying and how it works.


Studies have shown that 72% of consumers prefer video marketing to text marketing. But you should offer both because everyone learns differently. Plus, if you create a video, you can automatically convert it to text with sonix.


If you want to make the most significant pop on your customers’ buying decisions, you’ll need to create video tutorials.


Its time to show off your creations in a new light!


If you’re not tech-savvy, this may seem a little bit daunting. The good news is that video tutorials should always be simple, short, and to the point.


However, they should also have good production value and good quality, or your viewers may stray away before the video is over.


Let’s uncover all the allures that will keep your customers coming back for more.


Know What You Want to Accomplish


Before you get into the nitty-gritty details, decide what you want to achieve with your video tutorial.


It’s important to note that tutorials are different from general marketing videos and will accomplish different goals, like selling “the sauce you never knew you needed.”


A tutorial does more than show off the features of your product. In fact, you need to keep it short, so you can’t spend a ton of time talking about all of the great features your product comes with. 


Instead, consider your tutorial a trouble-shooting video that will address the most pressing issues your customers may encounter.


A great way to determine what your tutorial needs to cover is by reviewing the reviews and feedback left by previous customers. If you notice a recurring issue that customers have with a particular function of your product, spend some time in the tutorial showing them how to get past the issue.


Potential customers will read the reviews before making their decision, and you can use your video tutorial to answer any questions raised by your negative or mixed reviews.


Put Together a Storyboard and Script


Now that you know what your video tutorial needs to accomplish, it’s time to figure out how to make that goal come to life. Begin with a storyboard so that you can plan your video shot by shot. These don’t have to be complicated!


If you’re recording a live video, think of your storyboard as the comic book version. 


Nine to twelve panels should be enough for a shorter video and will allow you to draw out (as crudely or intricately as you like) the steps in your video. If you’re recording a computer screen, use a series of screenshots rather than cartoon panels.


Now you’ve got a tangible image of what your final video is going to look like; It’s time to figure out what needs to be said! 


As you’re writing your script, keep a few things in mind. First, you want to explain your product as clearly as possible without losing any crucial information.


Second, you want to make sure you’re not just telling, but showing and telling at the same time.


One way to achieve a seamless showing-and-telling video is by scripting out actions that accompany each line. For example, if your line is, “To achieve an XYZ effect, you need to hold down the 123 button,” your action might be, “Zoom in on 123 button.” For every question your lines might raise, your actions should answer them.


Get Recording


Believe it or not, you don’t need expensive equipment to produce a high-quality tutorial.


Even some of the newer smartphones will do the trick as long as you have the right tripod adapter and can get the phone’s camera to focus. 


Most importantly, make sure the camera is capturing the speaker and product directly, and not at an angle or distance that will obscure the speaker’s actions.


Whether you have a massive budget for equipment or not, there are a few steps you should always take to guarantee high-quality footage. 


Find a space where background noise and distracting clutter are at a minimum.


If necessary, add extra lighting that will draw the viewer’s eye straight to the product and the person conducting the tutorial.


As you’re recording, you may fumble some of your lines or actions. When this happens, don’t start from the very beginning. Pause, regroup, and say the line and complete the action again. You can remove these errors during the editing process.


Polish with Editing


When it’s time to edit your video tutorial, don’t get caught up on perfection. You’re not trying to win any awards; you’re just providing your customers with efficient solutions to problems that arise from their lack of understanding.


 The most important thing is that the video is easy to watch, easy to follow and effectively conveys your message.


The most important part of editing a video tutorial is cutting out all of the unnecessary bits. 


Get rid of all of the fumbles we mentioned earlier as well as any moments where the speaker went off script or spent too much time discussing features that aren’t relevant to the question being answered. 


In the end, you want to end up with a finished product that is somewhere between two and ten minutes long. 


Post Your Video Tutorial Online


Once you create video tutorials, you need to decide where to post them. 


Consider posting them somewhere on the product page where people will have easy access to them upon viewing the product. Alternatively (or in addition), create an FAQ section and use the video tutorial to answer a question you know your customers often ask. 


If you have a blog or use your social media to promote your products, consider posting your video tutorial there, as well. 


Make it shareable so that your viewers can pass it along to their friends or family who have questions about how your product works!


Hire a Company to Create Video Tutorials for You


If you’re still not convinced that you have the skills to create video tutorials that your customers will love, consider hiring professionals! 


This can be an excellent investment for your business as a quality video tutorial is sure to increase your sales.


Wondering what we can do for you? Check out our video and film production services! We just might be the solution to your business’s problems.

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