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Crew Call The Tattoo Project

A new date. A new promo. Still quarantined.

Crew Call: The Tattoo Project was originally scheduled for March 21, 2020. However, the coronavirus events forced us to reschedule. From March 21st, we pushed the date back to April 18th. We’re staying optimistic, but with no foreseeable end in sight, we may have to move our date yet again.

It’s only natural that a new date should be accompanied by new promotional material. So, we harnessed the creative energy from our promotional shoot with Jaquelyn Puma — a local model and tattoo artist with Borrowed Time Tattoos in Fort Lauderdale — and reenvisioned Crew Call: the Tattoo Project with a male model.

Luke Adams was a perfect fit for this production. In a way, his mannerisms summarize how everyone in the world is feeling right about now… a little fed up, a little isolated… trapped in their thoughts. Yeah, we can relate.

We’re living in a boring dystopia right now and most of us can’t wait to get out of the house and socialize again. It’s only been 4 weeks of quarantine. How many more we’ll be forced to endure, we cannot say. But at least we have Crew Call: The Tattoo Project to look forward to once life returns to a state of normalcy.

We hope this promotion makes you want to get of the house; we hope this excites you for what’s to come. We’re all in this together. We just have to wait it out.

Luke Adams with beard and tattoos wearing a black tank top posing for the camera in semi darkness
Black and white closeup of tattooed arms and chest
Black and white side profile of Luke Adams tattooed man with hands over his face and eyes closed
Closeup of tattoos on chest and shoulders
Tattooed man Luke Adams with long curly hair and beard posing in semidarkness looking off to the side
Artist Luke Adams Black and white view looking up at bearded man with tattoos looking down
Luke Adams with beard and tattoos posing for the camera looking off to the side
Artist Luke Adams Black and white of bearded tattooed man wearing jeans surrounded by lighting
Keyword: Professional photography services .Man with beard and tattoos wearing a black tank top posing for the camera in semi darkness looking off to the side
Female crew member in background with hands in the air smiling

About the Artist | Luke Adams

Luke Adams is not a professional model. He is a tattoo artist with True Love Tattoo in Fort Lauderdale. But his style was perfect for what we were going for, so we invited him over to the studio to film this promotion.

No matter the production, what matters most to us is that the people we work with meet our expectations for the role we are casting. This goes far, far beyond how they look. Personality… demeanor… swagger. Those are what’s important. We could care less if you’re black, white, fat, skinny, gay, straight, short, tall, sexy or average. If you bring the personality and immerse yourself in your role, then we’re going to create something beautiful together.

Despite being an amateur, Luke Adams brought the personality we envisioned when casting this role. Even better than that, he showed up ready to work. And, you know what, we really appreciate that. All too often, we work with professionals who put their time and their needs before anyone else’s. Yes… people do that. So, collaborating with someone who was both considerate, professional, and in character was a great treat for us.

Stay in the know

We’ll keep you guys updated on the status of Crew Call: The Tattoo Project currently scheduled for April 18th. Follow us on social if you don’t do so already. If plans change, you’ll be the first to know.

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