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Facebook's Branded Content Matching Search Engine
How influencer marketing will launch branded content into the mainstream overnight.[Facebook’s Branded Content Matching Search Engine]
Mainstream [meyn-streem]:noun.
1. The ideas, attitudes or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.

Mainstream content is often associated with viral content. Every brand regardless of industry wants their content to go viral. In some ways, it’s how brand’s measure their social media marketing successes.

Going viral is much easier said than done. Just reaching a niche audience with corporate content that feels authentic rather than forced is difficult. Getting that niche audience to engage is even more challenging. Converting that niche audience into loyal consumers…well, that is an entire multi-media marketing campaign by itself.

But…as a brand, what if you could take a shortcut to reach, engage, and convert these niche audiences overnight?

Sounds too good to be true, but it is a very real possibility given new information into Facebook’s upcoming Branded Content Matching Search Engine.

Understand that Facebook wants corporate brands to succeed in converting and interacting with users who are actively participating on their social platform. Above that, however, Facebook requires that the content driving participation is adding value to the user experience. Genuine, thoughtful, sincere content that encourages real engagement (comments, shares, video views, click-throughs, etc.) is Facebook’s new baseline.

The updated Facebook algorithm does, in fact, make it harder to promote branded content organically. Especially if it does little to benefit the interests of users.

At this point in social media marketing, it is beneficial for brands to pay to get their content seen by the right groups of people. The amount of money backing an add determines reach and improves the likelihood that it will be circulated to even more people. But dumping money into Facebook ad spend will not always generate a guaranteed outcome.

In all honesty, poorly curated content backed by a big budget will remain poorly curated content. Audiences will pass it by without the slightest consideration.

Social Media Influencer Next Door Marketing View from behind of man wearing jean jacket and carrying a pair of rolling skates with orange wheels on his shoulder

The same goes for really good content that does not appeal to a target audience. That is like pitching a life-changing product in an empty room.

Don’t waste your time doing either. Tilt the odds in your favor and focus your ad budget on creating good content and publishing it in the right places.

The real value of Facebook’s Branded Content Marketing Search Engine is……paid access to the mainstream.
Social Media Influencer Next Door Photoshoot June 18th 2018 Headshot of a woman with short blonde hair looking off screen with some color distortion

This tool will give corporate brands access to both core and untapped audience groups via influencer marketing.

Imagine a brand like TomboyX, a universal, eco-friendly clothing and underwear brand designed to fit real people comfortably. TomboyX has a well-established culture. Their market is predominantly female and appeals to the rebels of society. However, they also market to men and women who do not fit the TomboyX-esque physique and attitude.

With the new influencer marketing search engine by Facebook, TomboyX will be able to curate target-specific content with the help of an influencer who is knowledgeable and relevant in their community.

Influencer Marketing Side view of African American man with large beard and curly hair in yoga pose on ground wearing blue briefs

If TomboyX wants to switch their Facebook marketing focus to target men — whether they be athletes, beach bodies, or hardcore gamers — they can hire an influencer to collaborate and deliver their messaging to these groups in familiar, trustworthy packaging. That means knowing what type of media they prefer to engage with: video, photo, graphics, illustrations, story ads, live video, etc.

This is going to equip corporate brands with segments of irresistible, organic content, which will lead consumers to associate their brand’s online personalities with the influencers who are promoting their media.

This ongoing relationship will eventually open consumers up to a series of branded messaging that can be refreshed with new influencer participation to keep content in the mainstream longer.

Additionally, the spaces where these influencer collaborations will be promoted (i.e., the influencers’ profiles and sponsored ad space) will guarantee longevity. Good content that lives alongside an influencer, for instance, will generate more impressions, both at the moment of publication and weeks prior. This higher engagement rate will increase the ranking of sponsored ads, which will expand circulation, thus keeping it relevant for longer durations.

All in all, it’s a win-win for influencers and brands.

Influencers will get paid for the content they help generate and promote. The better the content they deliver in terms of impressions, the more likely a brand will work with that influencer again.

This influencer-brand relationship will also teach marketers what their consumers value most when interacting with their sponsored content. In the long term, this data will help creative marketers to consistently deliver useful information to receptive audiences.

How does branded content matching work?

Creators and influencers opt into the search engine. Their portfolio is uploaded, including their audience size, metrics, and their best-branded content.

Marketers can then search for specific audiences based on their advertising needs, narrowing the scope with industry-specific parameters:

  • Top countries where they’re popular
  • Interests
  • Gender
  • Education history
  • Relationship status
  • Life events
  • Homeownership status
  • Home type

The search engine’s results page shows a list of creators with each audience’s match percentage to the search terms, the percentage of their followers they reach, engagement rate, follower count and video views.

Marketers, or brands, hire influencers to collaborate and promote. What they can do from there is only limited by their creativity.

When it comes to collaborating with influencers it will be extremely beneficial for brands to have a creative marketing agency at their disposal.

It is important to note that content created from the influencer-brand relationship will have to be a team effort. It will not be as simple as hiring an influencer, giving them creative insights into the ad’s function and having them generate successful media from it.

The brand will need to be involved and directly curate content with the influencer. That is just another clever way Facebook is ensuring that branded content will remain authentic and valuable to their users.

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