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Social Media Marketing Today
Facebook drops some news

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Social media Marketing is changing in 2018. Facebook is returning control to users by empowering their newsfeeds to reflect their unique personality and interests. Basically, Facebook’s user-base is tired of being smothered by business billboards, and hard sells (gross). Now, Facebook marketing will emphasize “interactive content,” and these alterations could actually mean more traffic to groups and official business pages, according to the Facebook Vice President of the NewFeed Adam Mosseri. With these changes business-generated content has almost zero chance of being viewed organically out of the gate, so paid reach and sponsored content will become a critical component going forward. Don’t worry. This is bittersweet news, yes, and content creators will have to pay to play now. But if you are a client of ours, you already have a team of storytellers who strive for authentic reaction from concept to engagement, and who will continue to produce engaging visual and written content that will beat clickbait every time.

Previously, owners of Facebook pages or social media marketing firms were posting more content to the newsfeed because they were profiting off of clicks provided by meaningless traffic. Going forward, genuine engagement will determine visibility on your customers’ timelines, and that is where we come in. Storytelling and authentic content based on lifestyle is the way of the future (not to mention our lifeblood). This is music to our ears! And, if you have our team behind your brand, it should be for you as well!:)

The experience of connection, the ways in which we build our social relationships and the fulfilment we receive in strengthening them, is, fortunately, reverting back to its grassroots: thoughtfulness. A lack of genuine social content has caused users to disconnect from brands who utilize traditional repetitive marketing. But we are soon to experience a crusade of the credible, in which the voice of the business and the voice of the user will be held to identical standards. Businesses are creations of men and women who want to do more for their communities, and this should be representative of how they communicate to the world, regardless of platform.

Social media marketing C&I studios Image Table spread of various desserts with various types of coffees, and smores ingredients

Personally, we are super confident that we can shape these updates to deepen your dialogue with your consumers now that the value of engagement will be measured by authenticity rather than frequency.

C&I Studios is [ an idea agency ] that solves marketing challenges with innovative concepts, multimedia, and distribution to organizations around the world. We create ideas with a higher purpose and deliver them to a targeted audience for maximum growth.
See some of our work related to this topic here!

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