South Florida rappers are keeping the freestlye going strong!
Last week South Florida singer-songwriter, Mistuh, joined us in the studio for a dope freestyle that ended with another call out.
Guess who heard the call? Her Fantasy!
And he had this to say…

We started Freestyle Friday because we are dedicated to shining a spotlight on South Florida Rappers.
There is so much talent in South Florida, but very few stages for underground artists to share their skills. As professional content creators, we are lending our expertise to South Florida rappers with one goal in mind: to get their names out there!
We have studios all over the US, from L.A. to NYC and D.C., so if you possess rap skills of your own but don’t live in South Florida, you can still be featured on Freestyle Friday. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to take the freestyle cross-country!
Early in the freestyle…
For those who missed last week’s episode, just know that Freestyle Friday is all about featuring rhetoric in freeform from the artists who do it best. You can check out Mistuh’s freestyle here.
Hit us up on Facebook or contact us here if you think you’re worthy of being featured on our next Freestyle Friday or Artist Profile. If you want to see more original content, then check out our #UNCREATIVE Blog. This is where every creative video, photo gallery and artist spotlight lives.
And be sure to follow Her Fantasy on Instagram to show your support for South Florida’s music scene.