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Product Photography Tips to Increase Your Sales


eCommerce stores know that one of the keys to selling products successfully is making sure that you have good photos of your products. After all, customers can’t buy what they can’t see! Product photography is considered the first impression someone has of a product. They need to be able to see as many details as possible, maybe even see it in use in order to really get a feel for how it works in real life.

Good product photography will do wonders to get people to purchase your product. There are a few key things to remember when taking product photos in order to increase your chances of making a sale. You want to make sure you’re showing off the product both realistically and temptingly, so you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right camera and lighting, as well as a good backdrop. You’ll want to take a lot of photos, and make sure they’re of clean, well-presented products.

Some product photography tips are specific to the type of product you’re photographing. If you’re taking pictures of jewelry, for example, you’ll want to make sure each piece is well-lit and sparkling. If you’re taking photos of food, you’ll want to make sure the lighting is good so that the food looks appetizing. No matter what type of product you’re photographing, though, following these tips will help you take great product photos that will help increase your sales!

In order to make sure your product photography is up to par and helping you sell more products, follow these tips:

Use a good camera and lens

If you have a DSLR camera, that’s great – but even if you don’t there are many high-quality point-and-shoot cameras on the market that will take great product photos. As for lenses, try to use a “portrait” or “close-up” lens if you have one – these lenses allow you to get close to your subject and capture all the details.

It’s not wise to use your smartphone’s camera for product photos. While they can work in a pinch, most smartphones don’t have the capabilities to take great product photos. You won’t be able to change lenses, zoom properly, or set up lighting in the way that you need to.

A good camera is a great investment that you should be making. They don’t have to just be used for product photography, you can use a camera for other photography that can be used throughout your marketing campaigns . If you put on events, you can easily take photos to market future events. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, taking photos around your shop can boost your social media engagement from new and returning customers, too!

Clean your product before photographing it

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many product photos are taken of dirty, dusty products! Make sure to clean your product well before taking photos, and if you’re selling food, make sure they’re fresh and looking appetizing. You want your products to look as appealing as possible!

You also want to make sure you’re not using a product that’s been damaged in any way. If you’re taking photos of the latest style of shirt your store has in, make sure to steam it beforehand to get any wrinkles out. Or if you’re showing off a stack of books, don’t have books with cracked spines or dented corners in the photos (unless you’re selling used books, of course!). It’s important to make sure you’re sharing photos of the products in their best light possible. Making sure they’re intact and look appealing is the best way to do so.

Use a simple background

A busy or cluttered background will distract from your product, so it’s best to use a simple background that is either white or very light in color. You can even buy “seamless” paper backgrounds (usually available in photography stores) that roll out to give you a clean background to work with.

If you have small products, setting up a permanent lightbox with a basic background will save you time and money. Of course, not everyone has the space to keep a lightbox like that in their offices or store. If this is the case for you, using a white poster board as your background and setting up some bright lights (either purchased or made with household items) will help you take great product photos.

Take lots of photos

When photographing products, it’s always a good idea to take lots of shots from different angles. Even taking more photos with different backgrounds or placements can give you a good amount of content to choose from. You can always delete the ones you don’t want later, but it’s better to have too many photos than not enough!

This allows you to choose the best photo for your product listing, and also gives you some choices if there is any damages or imperfections on the product. Not only will you get a great photo to use on your eCommerce store, but these extra photos can serve other marketing purposes, too! These extra photos do great when put in marketing e-mails, on social media, or in catalogs and other printed marketing materials.

Use good lighting

Product photography is all about capturing the product in the best possible light. Natural sunlight is always best, but if you don’t have access to a window, try using an artificial light source like a studio flash or LED light.

Lighting, no matter what kind of camera you’re using, is important. You don’t want your products to be in shadows or blurred because you don’t have the proper lighting. If you’re using a product like a shirt, for example, you want the fabric to look smooth and wrinkle-free. The best way to do this is by using bright lights that will help show off the product in the best possible way.

If you absolutely have to use your smartphone for any kind of photography, it is highly recommended that you use the right lighting, such as a ring light. A ring light looks exactly as it sounds. It’s a light that forms a ring around a stand that you set your smartphone in to get well-rounded lighting anywhere. It’s meant to be portable and works great for people in the beauty industry to be able to take photos on-site without taking up too much space.

Don’t be afraid to get creative

Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box to get the perfect shot of the products you’re looking to sell. If you’re having trouble with a product not looking quite right, try photographing it in a different way or from a different angle. Sometimes all it takes is to see the product in a new light to get that perfect shot.

You could even take photos of your products with other products you sell, props, or people using it. This can give your product photos a more creative and interesting look, which can help them stand out from the competition. This also helps your customers to see your products in use and be able to imagine them in their own space.

If you’re selling products that are used to make other things, such as fabric, you might want to consider taking photos of the final products. This can show off your product in a new way and give your customers some inspiration.

Hire a professional for help

We understand that you might not have the right equipment or space to be able to produce good-quality product photography. If this is the case, we recommend hiring a professional photographer or photography company to help you out. C&I Studios is one of those companies. We offer not only product photography of your products, but we can bring in models, props, and build personalized sets as needed.

This is an investment that will pay off, especially if your product photos are used in marketing materials or if you plan on selling your products online. A good product photo can make all the difference in whether or not customers are interested in purchasing your product!

If you’re new to product photography, this can be a great route to take. You don’t want the first impression of your business to be subpar. A professional photographer can help you get the great product photos you need to increase your sales and leave a lasting positive impression on your customers.

In the end…

Product photography is an important aspect of eCommerce stores. You can increase your sales by making your product photos look as appealing as possible!

Don’t forget to reach out to professionals to help you when you need it. C&I Studios loves working with all kinds of clients and has a lot of experience in product photography, among other things. We can’t wait to work with you, so drop us a line any time!

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