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RED Camera vs. Smartphone


We all know that video content is king in today’s market. Video marketers are taking this to heart and using it to their advantage by creating video content at a rapid pace. However, video marketers are realizing that producing video content isn’t enough these days. Just because you have video content, doesn’t mean that you are video marketing. Video marketers need to create video content that is unique and appealing to their target audience in order to be successful.

In this blog post, we here at C&I Studios are going to teach video marketing newbies the advantages of video marketing with a RED camera over video marketing with a smartphone.

In the video marketing world, RED cameras are becoming very popular. In fact, video marketers that ignore this fact will be left behind as their competitors take video content to the next level. Why video marketers choose to video market with a RED camera over a smartphone is because of the quality that it offers.

What makes RED cameras so special? Is this just another fad in video marketing or are video marketers actually gaining an edge over their competitors by using RED video equipment? Why shouldn’t we continue to use our smartphones that are already easily accessible?

Let’s take a look.

Smart Phone vs Red Camera with backside of Smart Phone on display

Smartphones will only get you so far…

Due to advancements in smartphone technology and photo editing apps, it has become easier than ever to create videos for marketing campaigns. This video marketing trend is very powerful due to the fact that video is so effective for increasing customer conversions. They make it easy to upload directly to social media platforms such as TikTok or Instagram, too, which is certainly an asset for marketing in the field or when you need to post something quickly.

However, video marketers that only use smartphones will soon begin to see their competitors surpass them and leave them in the dust. Why is this?

Smartphones are limited with lower video quality and abilities…

If video marketers want to create video content that looks cinematic and appealing, they need to invest in high-quality video equipment and smartphones can’t cut it.

The video quality from smartphones is limited, especially when compared to video cameras. Smartphone video is also prone to shaking as the video is mostly handheld without any stabilization technology involved. This means video marketers will need to invest in video editing software such as Adobe After Effects and video stabilization tools like Warp Stabilizer, which can increase video production costs.

Sure, video marketers can create pretty good video content using their smartphones but they will never get the same results as they would using RED video equipment. Smartphone video marketing campaigns are effective but video marketers can experience much better video marketing results by using RED cameras.

What makes RED video cameras so special?

The video quality from a RED camera is superior to smartphone video. RED cameras produce footage that looks cinematic and professional while keeping your business at forefront of the video marketing industry.

Depending on the video marketing campaign that video marketers are trying to achieve, smartphones can produce decent video content. Unfortunately, smartphones only record in HD at 30 frames per second. What does this mean for video marketers? It means that video marketers will be severely limited when it comes to editing video content.

RED video cameras are the video marketing video equipment of choice because they provide video marketers with so much more flexibility when it comes to video marketing campaigns. Most RED video cameras record in 4k at 60 frames per second, also known as Ultra HD or UHD. This means that video marketers have more room for creativity during the editing process.

Furthermore, video marketers that use red video cameras can also capture video content in RAW format which allows video marketers to achieve perfect exposure and color precision while recording video footage on set.

No matter what kind of video marketing campaign video marketers are executing, smartphones simply do not offer this kind of flexibility or video quality. If video marketers want video content that can compete with video created by RED video cameras, smartphone video just won’t cut it.

The video marketing status quo is changing and video marketers need to keep up. Smartphone video marketing campaigns are effective but video marketers also need access to video equipment such as RED video cameras in order to stay competitive and relevant in the current video marketing

Video content created with RED video equipment is much more engaging. It definitely makes a video marketer stand out over their competitors and gets them closer to their quota. If video marketers don’t stand out, they will lose video marketing clients.


What other differences are there between RED cameras and smartphone cameras?

The video quality that video marketers can get out of RED video cameras is much better than what video marketers will get with smartphone video marketing campaigns. This means that video marketers can give their clients much higher quality video content to work with when they publish them to YouTube or Facebook video. These platforms automatically optimize video for certain devices so having the best video possible will help video marketers out a lot.

Smartphone video marketing is a great option for video marketers that want to create video content on a budget but if they want better video results then they should definitely consider using RED video equipment.

RED video cameras are more expensive than smartphones but video marketers will notice a substantial increase in video marketing conversions if they start using RED video equipment. Smartphone video marketing campaigns may work well when video marketers are just starting out but video content created with RED video cameras will help video marketers grow their video marketing business.

Video marketers using smartphone video marketing campaigns should seriously consider upgrading to RED video equipment. RED video cameras are much more versatile and video marketers can create much better video content with RED video equipment. Smartphone video marketing campaigns are great for video marketers that are just getting started but video marketers will get superior video results when they use RED video marketing campaigns.

RED video cameras are built for professional video marketing. They have the features, video quality, video content creation software, and video marketing video equipment video marketers need to get the video marketing results they are looking for. Video marketing campaigns created with RED video cameras will engage video audiences far more than smartphone video marketing campaigns ever could. If you want to make your video marketing clients happy then you should definitely start using RED video equipment instead of smartphone video marketing video equipment like video cameras and video marketing video equipment. Smartphone video marketing campaigns are great but RED video equipment is much better for video marketers that want to grow their video marketing business.

What video marketing campaigns can video marketers create using RED video equipment?

RED video equipment is great for video shoots that require a wide variety of video angles. The reason why video marketers love RED video cameras is that the lenses allow a very wide range of view, especially when compared to smartphone lenses. This allows video marketers to capture a scene from multiple video angles.

This video marketing strategy is very effective because video marketers can capture video content that is engaging from beginning to end, which increases video conversions and drives video results for video marketers.

In addition, RED video cameras are great for livestreams because most of them record in 4k at 60 frames per second, with a low-light sensor, video stabilization, and video compression. Right now, many companies and independent business owners tend to use their smartphones with ring lights to conduct live videos, but they end up looking low-quality. Live video marketing campaigns are an increasingly popular video marketing strategy for video marketers because they allow video marketers to engage with video audiences in real-time. This live video content drives search results, which helps increase traffic to your site or social media page.

Video marketers can use RED video marketing video equipment to create video content that engages video audiences. For example, most RED video cameras have 3X lens zoom, which is great for close-up video shots. This allows video marketers to show the product or service they are trying to sell in action.

It doesn’t matter if you are video marketing for a client or if you are video marketing for yourself, RED video equipment is definitely the way to go. You will get better video marketing results because video marketers can use RED video equipment to capture immersive video content that engages target audiences.

What should I look for when purchasing or renting a RED camera?

If video marketers want to get the video results that they are after then they should consider purchasing or renting RED video equipment. Video marketers can get better video marketing conversions by using tools that were specifically made for video marketing, not smartphones.

Video marketers need to look for a video camera that meets their video marketing needs. In other words, video marketers need to make sure they purchase a RED video camera that can deliver the video results they are after.

Most RED video cameras come with several interchangeable lenses but video marketers should be careful when choosing which lenses to use because each lens has a unique video effect. For example, video marketers should choose a video lens that best captures the video scene they are trying to film.

In addition, video marketers should look for a video camera that is easy to use and easy to train their employees on. Video marketing campaigns take a lot of video work and video marketers don’t need an overly complicated video camera. Essentially, video marketers need a RED video camera that they can easily set up and operate quickly.

Last but not least, video marketers should consider the video budget they have available. Video marketers can get video equipment from RED video cameras for about $1200, which is a good video marketing investment. The price of the RED video camera should correspond to how much video marketers will use it and what type of video results video marketers expect to get from using the video camera. If video entrepreneurs want a high video quality video camera then they should be willing to spend more money on video equipment.

If your company is on a tighter budget, renting equipment is another route video marketers can take in order to access the best equipment in the business. For video marketers who are video marketing for a video company, renting video equipment is a great video marketing option because video marketers can use RED video equipment without investing in the purchase.

C&I Studios offers equipment rental in certain locations. You can look at everything C&I offers for rental purposes here.

What if I want to use a professional production company?

When reaching out to professional companies that create video content for you, you want to make sure that whichever video production company you hire has access to RED video equipment because it will help them create better video content that drives video results for their video marketing clients, including your business.

If you’re looking for a professional video production company to work with try C&I Studios. All video marketers can benefit from video productions by professional video production companies. Visit to learn more about video marketing services provided by C&I Studios or contact a video marketing consultant to get started today.

C&I Studios video production team is proficient in video marketing tools such as RED video equipment because video marketers can get better video results when they use video content that was created by video professionals.

Contact C&I Studios today to get started with your next video production project! Click here to get video production quotes today.


Company information: C&I Studios video production studio is a video production company that specializes in video marketing. Video marketers can use video content to drive video results and video professionals create dynamic video content such as movies, commercials, and documentaries. To learn more about our video marketing services, contact C&I Studios today!

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