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Step-by-Step Guide to Filming Your Docuseries

Do you have a real-life story that you want to tell the world? Or are you interested in a niche topic that you want to share with a like-minded audience? Or maybe you already have an amazing podcast, but want to add a video element to turn it? Then you might consider producing a docuseries!

A docuseries is exactly as it sounds: it is a documentary series made up of multiple episodes. It usually follows a specific topic or storyline and offers in-depth perspectives from various people on the subject.

Producing a docuseries is one of the most satisfying projects you can undertake. But it’s also a lot of work and will require effort from everyone involved. Having an idea for your docuseries is only the first step—you also need to know how to go about filming it.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to producing or filming a docuseries:


In pre-production, you should have a clear vision for the series and work out all of the logistics. This includes writing a script, deciding on filming locations, hiring crew members, setting up interviews, etc. It is also important to get organized and create a production schedule.

Don’t forget to set a budget, too, as the budget will determine how and where you’ll spend money on your production.

Basically, don’t skimp on anything when it comes to pre-production. You’ll be setting the tone for your entire production and making sure everyone involved knows what to expect.


Once you’ve completed the pre-production phase, it’s time to move into production. During this phase, you will be filming your documentary series and capturing the footage needed to tell your story.

Production is where you’ll get all of your footage for the docuseries, including interviews, location shots, and any other elements that you need to tell your story. Make sure to plan out each shot thoroughly and think about how each scene will fit into the overall narrative of the series.

Make sure to take advantage of natural lighting, use a variety of angles, plan for B-roll shots, and have fun with the process!


Once you’ve finished filming, it’s time to move into post-production. During this phase, you will need to edit the footage and mix the audio. You should also add graphic elements, music, and sound effects as needed. It is important to take your time during this process and make sure everything is just right.

Post-production processes are important to any production, including docuseries, because they help to set the mood and tone of the show. For example, if you’re creating a true crime docuseries, you’ll more than likely insert dark, suspenseful music into your series rather than something upbeat and light.

Make sure to take the time to make your docu-series look and sound its best before releasing it to the world.

Distribution and Marketing:

Lastly, you should consider how you plan to distribute your docuseries. You may decide to release it on a streaming platform, host it on your own website, or send it out for festivals. Whichever route you choose, be sure to share your project with friends and family so that they can help you spread the word. Additionally, you should create a marketing plan and make sure your docuseries is reaching its intended audience.

Creating a docuseries is an exciting opportunity that requires hard work and dedication. But if you follow these steps, you will be able to successfully produce an amazing piece of content that tells a unique story.

Here are some tips that can help make filming your docuseries as seamless as possible:

Set Ground Rules for Filming: Before you begin shooting, it’s important to discuss and agree on ground rules for filming with all parties involved. Make sure everyone is comfortable with the presence of a camera, what will be filmed, and how it will be used.

Plan Ahead: A well-designed plan helps ensure that you get the most out of your time in front of the camera. Planning ahead helps make sure you don’t miss any important details and allows for more efficient use of your time.

Have the Right Equipment: Having the right equipment is essential for creating a high-quality docuseries. Make sure to have enough cameras, microphones, and other equipment necessary to capture all the necessary footage.

Have a Backup Plan: Unexpected events can often derail a shoot, so it’s important to have a backup plan in place. Have alternative locations or people ready to fill in if needed.

Get Comfortable with the Camera: You and everyone else involved should be comfortable being in front of the camera before filming begins. Practice how you want to present yourself and make sure everyone is confident in their ability to perform on camera.

Keep It Real: Your docuseries should be a true reflection of your story, so keep it real and honest. Don’t try to over-script what you’re saying or stage the scenes.

Get Feedback: Once the filming is complete, get feedback from everyone involved in the project and make any necessary changes before sending to post-production.

Hire assistance when needed: Making sure that you get professional assistance from a production company will do wonders instead of you trying to do it all yourself. It’s important to have professionals help you with the process and make sure your docuseries is of high quality.

Have Fun: Filming a docuseries can be hard work, but it should also be fun! Take time to capture special moments, ask questions, and get creative with B-roll shots, and have fun with the process.

With these tips, you’ll be ready to produce a successful docuseries that captures your story in an authentic way.

Where can I hire a production company?

C&I Studios is a full-service production company that specializes in creating high-quality content for filmmakers and docu-series creators. We offer a variety of services, from pre-production to post-production, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your project looks professional and polished.

We also offer studio and gear rentals for anyone who needs them. Our studios are fully equipped and perfect for docustyle interviews, recreatings, and more. The equipment we supply is also top-of-the-line cameras, gimbals, teleprompters, and any other types of gear you might need for a video production no matter if it’s a docuseries or a feature film.

No matter what type of docuseries you’re working on, C&I Studios can help you create a beautiful piece of content. Reach out to us today to discuss your project and find out how they can help you make it a success.

Good luck and have fun creating your docuseries! With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to producing a docuseries that you can be proud to show the world.

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