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Upgrading the Real Estate Market with Drone Footage

Marketing for real estate is serious business: first impressions matter, and whether you want to go for opulence or excitement, you have milliseconds to make an impact.

Whether you work in traditional real estate in Miami Beach or are marketing an apartment complex or hotel, you know that seeing is believing. Much of the appeal of your Miami Beach real estate comes from viewers seeing the photographs and envisioning themselves there. They begin to believe in the luxury, relaxation, or fun of the Miami area the moment they see your photographs. However, as smartphone cameras get better and better, it has gotten harder to distinguish your business marketing from the photography assets available to all the other businesses in your area. Beating the competition at this point requires taking a new approach, and we believe that drone footage is the way to go.

Why Drone Footage Should Be Your Next Marketing Upgrade

Drone footage may be new to you as a marketer, so here are some of the reasons we see drone footage as the next big thing in real estate marketing of all kinds. It’s a key component of really sharing everything your real estate properties have to offer.

A New Perspective Draws the Eye

Even very high-resolution, crisp straight-on shots of a particular real estate property are not going to be as eye-catching on a listings website as the only photos that have an aerial angle, showing they were definitely taken by a drone. Most real estate marketers are looking for an ‘it factor’, something that distinguishes them.

As drone footage becomes more common, you don’t want to be the only one that doesn’t have this perspective on the world. Instead, be the front-runner in your market for having excellent, crisp drone-based photography.

Drones Generate a Premium and Interest

With the buzz that drones have currently among the average population, just having this footage may draw in interested buyers or other potential customers. People have seen drone racing and other drone-based news stories and want to know what the fuss is about.

They’ll want to know what it was like getting this footage and will want to know more about the process. As a marketer, you know that any point of interest that starts a conversation or gets people sharing a video or photo is great exposure for you.

Be the first in your market, for instance, with a high-quality drone footage video that makes your real estate offerings look amazing, and you’ll be surprised how much more people share and like that video on social media than they’d share a traditional real estate listing.

Drones Offer Unprecedented Videography Potential

Speaking of video, the video possibilities are so much stronger with drones.

Standard Earth-bound videography can only capture so many angles of your real estate property, while flying a compact drone both above, around, and even inside the property at eye-level can really make your viewer feel like they are actually present.

If your goal is to help your viewers go from big-picture interest to granular details, drone footage is the way to go. The angles that were previously only possible with helicopters and major-motion-picture budgets are now available to a variety of brands who want their real estate marketing to really pop.

Four Tips for Maximizing the Potential of Your Drone Footage

Footage in real estate Aerial view of canal with boats in a neighborhood

So you’ve opted to upgrade your marketing with drone footage? Here are some tips to get you started on the right path with your professional drone camera and video team.

1. Shoot Video and Still Shots

If you’re choosing to fly drones, absolutely make sure that video and still shots are both included. The angles you’ll get should be able to be used in still-photo listings and advertisements, but you’ll also want the clickable intrigue of a video to draw more people in over time.

2. Use a Combination of Close-Up and Distance for More Comprehensive Appeal

While drone images from afar can take in the expansive nature of your property, you want to use drones close-up too.

Drones offer excellent angles that human photographers would have to twist themselves into knots to get.

Whether you’re looking at a Miami Beach real estate property’s beachfront access or the large balconies on an apartment complex, make sure you get up close and personal and use photos that convince people that they know exactly what they’re buying into.

3. Create Valuable Context Through Neighborhood/Location Shots

One factor that many real estate marketers don’t factor in enough is the location of your property. Use high-level drone images to showcase how close your property is to important nearby areas, including popular roads and interesting nearby attractions.

Anything that puts your property in a great light should be included in your shots that establish location.

Seeing is believing, so many viewers will internalize your great location more with photos and video fly-overs than they’d get from reading a quick blurb about how well located your property is.

4. Don’t Miss a Thing, Not Even Tiny Details

Make sure that your shot list for the drone footage is comprehensive.

Cover everything, since even if you can’t use every single angle you shoot, you might discover a hidden gem that looks totally different and way better than the competition’s best photo assets.

5. Work With a Reputable Idea Agency to Craft Your Drone Footage Vision

Make sure that you take the time and invest the energy in finding a company to craft a vision for your photos and video, especially as your real estate marketing first ventures into drone footage. After all, you want to be able to stitch together these valuable assets into something cinema-worthy, not just a few slightly-better versions of your old style. Let a great idea agency use drone footage to level up your branding overall.

Especially when you want to cultivate a brand voice and persona throughout a variety of distinct properties, having someone craft your marketing into a narrative-driven advertising campaign is key.


Still not convinced? Drone footage, as we’ve said, is one of those things that, once you see what it does, will completely convince you.

Let us show you what drone footage can do for your marketing; contact us today.

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