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Getting Technical: How to Pick and Use Effective Video Storytelling Formats

The Technical Side of Video Storytelling

Utilizing video is a powerful strategy that you can implement as an entrepreneur. Not only will it provide a way for you to showcase your products and services, but it will also give your audience insight into your brand’s personality.

But, video storytelling formats are just as important as the content itself, and you’ll need to optimize both if you want the best results.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.

Your Brand’s Personal Stories

One of the most common reasons brands use video is to show their audience who they are. And, telling your brand’s personal story is a solid method to connect with your audience.

Common concepts for this type of video include brand origin stories, information about the early days of the company, and background about the founder(s). The aim here is to remind your audience that your company is run by actual people and isn’t a faceless business that exists solely to generate revenue.

If your company’s story is particularly inspiring, dedicating the video to how you got things up and running is a solid option. At the very least, you can give a brief synopsis of who created the company, why, and what your brand currently aims to do.

Your personal story can go a long way when it comes to building an audience, and it can also serve as a driving force for other people to turn their dreams into a reality.

Then, your photography agency will design the creativity behind the story and burst it into- lights, camera, buyer action.

Your Customers’ Stories

Man wearing a blue squared shirt talking to a group of people in a wine cellar holding a glass of wine

Showcasing what your past customers have to say is a great way to get more people interested in what you have to offer.

But, this type of storytelling format isn’t limited to how much your audience likes your product or service.

Instead, it can be an opportunity for your consumers to tell their own personal stories while also providing insight into how your brand has impacted them. This is especially common for companies that offer clothing like athletic apparel.

You could also offer some sort of reward for the best customer submission, such as discounts, exclusive products, or even cash.

Giving your customers a platform to express yourself will show that you care about the people who make your business a success. This type of positivity will serve to draw in even more consumers.

Guides and How-To’s

Blackmile Closeup look over the shoulder of a man with a bushy beard looking at a map of Puerto Rico island

How-to videos are some of the most watched types of content on the Internet. So, it’s only natural that you should take this into consideration when making a video for your brand.

Particularly useful things to teach your audience about include cooking, equipment repair or maintenance, and grooming. In general, the easier it is for your audience to follow along with your guide (in terms of complexity, tools, etc.), the better results you’ll get from making it.

It’s also a good idea to consider turning your guide videos into a series. For example, you could offer new how-to content once per week, a few times per month, etc.

Over time, you’ll build a huge catalog of how-to videos and guides that people will be likely to find on their own through Google. This, of course, is great for brand awareness and can serve as a stepping stone to new heights for your company.

A Look at Industry Culture

Group of for women and three men posing for the camera

Depending on the industry you’re involved in, there may be some changes going on that your audience needs someone to explain to them. Or, there may be something controversial that somebody needs to openly talk about.

Regardless of what it may be, you can make a video to discuss it and offer your take. You can also encourage feedback from your viewers and have a discussion with them.

If there isn’t anything noteworthy occurring in your industry at the moment, you could use the opportunity to show off your company’s culture instead.

Things like employee testimonials, a virtual company tour, and the highlights of working at your firm all fit well in this category. People love transparency, so give them a look at anything that isn’t confidential.

But, you can even take this one step further.

A Day in The Life

The Kennedy Center The Kennedy Center with artist Yo Yo Ma Two women and two men discussing something

This is a storytelling framework that gets a lot of people’s attention as a result of the behind-the-scenes glimpses views will get.

People will often have no idea how your company is run. They might not be aware of the size of your team, the day-to-day operations, or the intricacies involved in managing and completing projects.

If your company has anything unique about it that you wouldn’t find at a conventional firm, take a moment to showcase it.

For example, Google has a room dedicated to providing employees with access to showers, coffee, and even a place to nap. Needless to say, this information caught a lot of attention when it was made public!

This form of storytelling can also be very entertaining to create, as it will offer a look at your employees’ personalities, how they interact with each other, and how the overall atmosphere is at your company.

Understanding Video Storytelling Formats Can Seem Difficult

BREW Urban Cafe and Next Door at C&I Many open books on display with cup of coffee and battery operated candles

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about video storytelling formats in mind, you’ll be well on your way to providing the best experience possible to your audience.

Want to learn more about creative thinking can benefit your business? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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