Visibilty on the internet is absolutely crucial to a company’s success in today’s online-based world. Everyone uses their smartphones or computers to shop for new products and look up businesses that offer services they need, so you want to make sure that your company is easily found online.
But it’s not quite as simple as making a website and wait for people to stumble upon it. The internet is filled with other companies competing for attention, and standing out can be difficult. How can people decide to give your company their money if they’re seeing other companies first and more often? The simple answer is that they won’t.
However, by following these tips you should be able to increase your online visibility, and with an increased online visibility you’ll find that you’re bringing in more money!
1) Make social media accounts for your company
We know you’re probably tired of hearing this one, but it bears repeating.
Social Media is going to be your best friend for getting the word out about your business. But, there’s a catch to it. You have to keep up with it! You need to be updating, posting, sharing, and engaging with your content and your followers almost constantly.
Constant updates will show your potential customers and clients that you’re present. You’re there to hear their concerns, answer any questions they have, and you’re presenting them with new information about your business! It’s really a win/win situation.
But more important than constant updates is that the content you’re sharing is high quality. Visually stimulating images and videos will catch the eyes of your potential customers more often, draw them into following you and convince them to shop with your company. So, you want to make sure you’re using the best technology, hiring the right people or company, and really spending quality time on creating amazing content to bring in new followers!
2) Add social media buttons or widgets to your website
Now that you’re set up on social media, it’s time to connect your website to it so that your customers can share your website with their friends and family on their own social media profiles.
If they’re able to share your website on their social media, all of a sudden you have a whole new group of potential customers that could be coming in!
Adding a button also allows your customers to follow all of your social media platforms! They’ll be able to connect with you in more ways than just your website, see all of your social media posts, and be able to direct themselves back to your website whenever they need to!
3) Invite bloggers and internet personalities to review your product
Ok, let’s call them what they are- social media influencers. They’re not always blogging. They can be vloggers, Instagram Models, or celebrities of any level that are willing to experience your products or services in order to give a review in any way they put out content.
You’ve seen the posts they do on Instagram or TikTok where they talk about their new favorite products and the like. You can partake, too, and get them to help you out for a fee or free product.
If they like it, they’ll talk about it on their blog or videos and stories which will bring you more ratings and visits. If they have a coupon code to give out to their followers, you will find that their followers will come and purchase right away while the sale is going on.
4) Try paid advertising
While you can get significant results from free platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. But sometimes that’s not enough. Sometimes you need to pay for the platform to promote your ads and posts.
If you pay for internet marketing services, your ads will go on different platforms that are more popularly visited or viewed by people of the demographics you want to attract. Google ads can be a great way to increase online visibility. There are also smaller sites that offer internet advertising that you can use to gain more traffic.
Ads might be costly but they’re worth it in the end. If someone sees your ad and goes directly and purchases something right away.
5) Try blogging
While vlogging (video blogging) may be more the norm these days, it’s important to not count out old-school blogging when it comes to increasing your online visibility.
If your business does something interesting or unusual, writing a blog about it is a great way to generate interest in potential customers. It has the added bonus of creating internet content for search engines to pick up and boost your ranking.
If you’re going this route, make sure you don’t waste your time and energy. Research the best blogging practices to get your blog noticed and picked up by search engines. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Â is something that is always changing – like social media algorithms – and it’s important to stay up to date on the newest guidelines. Most copywriters have that information if you’re hiring outside of your company. It doesn’t take up too much time to stay on top of SEO information, and it’s worth every minute of it!
Blog posts can be about anything to do with your company. A product review, a story, anything can be turned into a blog post!
6) Write internet articles
Articles are different than blog posts. Articles are meant to inform the masses, but not posted on your own blog.
Writing internet articles for corporations about news in your industry or directly about your company can be a great way to increase online visibility. You can also write web content or electronic books and sell them on your website.
Writing articles will show potential customers that you’re an authority in your industry, that you know what you’re talking about, and can answer any question they throw at you.
You can write internet articles which are then submitted to websites that are similar to yours, news outlets, or write content for sites like Buzzfeed.
7) Join internet forums that are related to your industry
Places like Reddit are a different kind of social media where your customers are directly asking questions and for recommendations about companies just like yours. You can easily engage with potential customers in any internet forum that’s relevant to your business or industry.
Internet forums are also a great way to find out what your competitors are up to. If you join, you can also leave comments and start internet debates about your company that will bring more internet traffic. Just like internet articles, internet forums are a great way to increase online visibility.
8) Create an internet reputation section of your website
The more your current customer base can review and share their opinions about your company, the more views your company will get.
Having internet reviews on your website is another great way to increase online visibility. Reviews not only boost your internet presence, but they also provide social proof and validation for customers who are reading internet reviews before making a purchase.
Having a section on your site of customer reviews and testimonies shows them that you care about their opinions. It also shows potential customers that you’re interested in what they have to say.
The internet is full of internet trolls, so don’t worry about the negative reviews. Putting them on your website gives potential customers a realistic view of how your company runs and benefits them!
9) Sponsorships
If you listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos on the regular, you’ll notice that outside of paid advertisements on the platforms they’re posted to, the performers will talk about their sponsorships.
How do sponsorships work? Well, they’re going to cost money, but it’s completely worth it. Your company pays the creators to talk about your products and services. It’s a lot like getting an influencer to talk about your products, but there’s a guaranteed audience.
Sponsorships help fuel not only the artwork that these creators are putting out but also increase the visibility of your company. Popular podcasts sometimes have multiple sponsorships that they cycle through throughout their shows. It’s incredibly beneficial to your visibility!
10) Make internet videos of your company
Video marketing is one of the best ways to get your content out there. Using internet videos to increase internet visibility is one of the best ways for even small businesses to get in front of internet users.
Make internet videos that are concise, creative, and fun! These internet videos can be shared on social media platforms like Facebook or YouTube. You can also host them on your website or blog where you write internet articles about
YouTube can be a great way to increase online visibility with video content. Videos about your company are more likely to pop up in internet searches than text. TikTok is also a great place to post video marketing content in order to reach a very large audience.
And there are so many different types of videos that will work for all industries! If you need help figuring out what kinds of videos are relevant to your industry, check out our blog post that will help guide you!
12) Keep internet business information updated on your website
Making sure you have the correct information on your website and on your social media platforms will help you retain and gain new customers. Throw out old outdated versions of documents, press releases, and internet advertisements. Not only is this more aesthetically pleasing, but it also makes internet searches about your internet company more reliable since internet searchers can easily compare what you’ve changed.
Having internet business information up to date is important for your online presence. Having outdated internet business information shows internet users that you’re not current and they may go elsewhere.
The internet is vast and deep. It can seem intimidating to get your business in front of many people on the internet. You need to make your internet presence stand out. If you want more traffic, try using internet marketing strategies like the ones listed above to increase online visibility! It’s easier than you think!
Seeking out the help of a professional marketing company to create amazing content for your marketing strategy can really help increase your online visibility. Companies like C&I Studios will help you to create amazing content and can help you with your marketing strategy in order to get the most visibility out of it.
Here at C&I Studios, we offer many different services such as video production, photography, and so much more to help you create amazing marketing content and get it in front of your target audience and beyond! When you’re ready, we are here to help you with your marketing content! Contact us today to get started!