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Production Photo Editing Tips from a Professional Film Editor


Having great photographs is only half the battle – in order to really make your images stand out, post-production photo editing is essential.

Post-production is an important step in creating beautiful photography, no matter if it’s wedding photography, pictures meant for advertising, product photography, or simply snapshots to post on social media.

From a professional standpoint, photo editing is vital in order to create images that accurately represent the vision of the photographer or client. And even if you’re not a professional photographer, post-production can help your photos look their best.

Here are 16 post-production tips from a professional film editor that will help take your photos to the next level!

  1. Always shoot in RAW:

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to remember that shooting in RAW will give you the most flexibility when it comes to editing your photos. By shooting in RAW, you’ll be able to adjust things like white balance and exposure levels much more easily than if you were working with JPEGs.

  1. Get to know your editing software:

This is especially important if you’re planning on doing a lot of post-production work on your photos. Take some time to learn about all of the features and tools that are available to you in your editing software, and practice using them on a few test images.

  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment:

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your editing software, don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and see what looks best for your particular image. There’s no right or wrong way to edit a photo, so feel free to play around until you find a style that you like.

  1. Pay attention to detail:

When you’re working on post-production, it’s important to pay attention to even the smallest details. This means that you should take care to crop your images neatly, remove any unwanted blemishes, and fix any other small imperfections.

  1. Think about the overall look:

It’s not enough to just focus on fixing individual details in your photo. You also need to think about the overall look that you’re going for. What kind of mood do you want to create? What kind of message are you trying to convey? Keep these things in mind as you work on post-production, and let them guide your editing decisions.

  1. Use adjustment layers:

Adjustment layers are a great way to make global changes to your image without affecting the underlying pixel data. This can be helpful if you need to make a change that you’re not sure about, or if you want to experiment with different looks without destroying your original image.

  1. Be careful with HDR:

High dynamic range (HDR) photos can be really striking, but they can also look artificial and overdone if you’re not careful. If you’re going to use HDR techniques in your post-production, make sure that you do so sparingly and only when it’s truly warranted.

  1. Use layers:

Layers are another great way to make changes to your photos without affecting the underlying image data. They also give you the ability to experiment with different looks without having to start from scratch every time.

  1. Don’t be afraid to use plugins:

If you’re not comfortable using Photoshop or other editing software, there’s no shame in using plugins to help you get the job done. Just make sure that you choose plugins that are compatible with your chosen software, and that you understand how to use them properly.

  1. Use masking:

Masking is a great way to isolate certain parts of your image so that you can make changes to them without affecting the rest of the photo. This can be helpful if you need to make targeted adjustments, or if you want to experiment with different looks without affecting your entire image.

  1. Don’t forget about color:

Color is an important part of any image, and it’s something that you should pay attention to in post-production. Make sure that the colors in your photo are balanced and complementary, and that they help to convey the mood that you’re going for.

  1. Use curves:

Curves are a great way to make global changes to the tonality of your image. They can be used to brighten or darken your photo, and to adjust the overall contrast.

  1. Dodge and burn:

Dodge and burn is a technique that’s often used in post-production to make targeted changes to the brightness and darkness of an image. This can be helpful for creating a more striking photo, or for fixing problem areas.

  1. Add some vignetting:

Vignetting is a post-production technique that’s used to darken the edges of an image. This can help to create a more dramatic look or to focus attention on the center of your photo.

  1. Use noise reduction:

Noise reduction is a necessary evil in post-production. It can help to clean up your image and make it look more polished, but it can also destroy detail if you’re not careful. Use noise reduction sparingly, and only when it’s absolutely necessary.

  1. Save your changes:

Once you’ve made all of the changes that you want to, make sure to save your image. This will help to ensure that you don’t lose any of your work, and that you can always go back and make further changes if necessary.

Post-production is an important step in the photographic process, and it’s one that shouldn’t be overlooked. By taking the time to edit your photos properly, you can take your images from good to great. Keep these post-production tips in mind the next time you sit down to edit your photos, and see how they can help you create better-looking images.

I Don’t Have the Ability or Technology to Edit in Post-Production- Help!

If you’re not able to find a good post-production tutorial, consider enrolling in a photography course. Taking a class will give you the opportunity to learn from a professional photographer, and to get feedback on your work. This can be an invaluable experience and one that can help you take your photography to the next level.

Or, if you’re missing the technology, you can always hire a company or freelancers that specialize in the post-production process. This can be a great way to get your photos edited if you’re not able to do it yourself, and it’s often more affordable than you might think.

C&I Studios offers both photography and post-production services. Not only can we edit your photos and take them to the next level, we can take the photographs for you and work with you to get the perfect shot. Contact us today to learn more about our services, and to get started on your post-production journey.

We also offer rentals of photography gear such as cameras, lighting, and laptops that will help you throughout the entire photography process. You can also rent out our studios throughout the United States, which are equipped with not only the best lighting, but also areas dedicated for makeup artists, cyc walls, and so much more! Our studios are set up for your success!

Book with us today to secure any rentals or services from C&I Studios- we can’t wait to work with you to create amazing photographs that you’ll be proud to share with the world.

No matter what your situation is, there’s no excuse for not taking the time to edit your photos in post-production. By following these tips, you can make sure that your photos are always looking their best.

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