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Artist Profile
Crooked Colours

“I took off from paradise, and landed in the jungle…”

In 2017, Crooked Colours released their debut album, Vera. To us, it is a musical escape worth being cherished. Perhaps even listened to on repeat [which we have already been doing].

The opening track “Flow” is a hypnotic introduction that tricks the listener into letting go entirely.

In that first instant, Crooked Colours—the musical brainchild of Philip Slabber, Leon de Baughn, and Liam Merrett-Park of Perth Australia—dig their claws into you, luring you into a deeply hypnotic dimension.

Before you realize it, you’re succumbing to the seductive language of the jungle. Then something even more unexpected takes place…you start to energetically chase after the next beat.

When you’re on the edge of vanishing—lost in some musical place; unable to recognize when one track ends and the next begins—you snap back to reality.

The tribal hypnotism fades. The third track “I Hope You Get It” hits with some righteous bass and you’re reminded that you’re actually listening to an album on Spotify, not the summoning of the jungle at midnight.

That is only the beginning of Vera.

Each track confidently builds on the last, cascading with unlikely tempos and nuggets of head-banging instrumentals sequenced between layers of soothing lyrics.

Time stretches and seemingly dissolves. And all the while you venture deeper into their poetry.

To us, Vera is a semi-distorted stretch of musical genius that will take you elsewhere. After one play-through, we’re sure you’ll agree.

As we listen to their album yet again, we realize there are no vacancies. Every second is thoughtfully planned and executed. Their narrative is robust yet airy, and simultaneously wild.

Vera journeys up to a 6-minute closer, “Perfect Run,” that is dark, hypnotic and cause for starting back at track #1.

This closing track branches outward, upward, and onward—whichever way the jungle chooses to spread its lush canopy…on this play-through.

The arrival of these three musicians through this debut album makes us exceedingly excited to hear more. If we could share one passing phrase with these guys, the words would undoubtedly be a product of the hypnotism they had just cast us in… As we restart their album yet again, we can only say…

“bring me down, cut me loose, I cannot quite get over you.”

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