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Brand Building: The Importance of Building Brand Awareness

How to Build Your Brand Effectively

When you think of a soft drink, what’s the first brand that you think of? Most of us will think of dominating big brand names, such as Coca-Cola.

As we know, brand identity leaves a long-lasting impression in the minds of consumers. So, brand building is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy.

Successful brand building increases the odds that a customer will think of your company when they need problem solving. So, customers are more likely to go to you to find a solution.

But how exactly does brand-building work to improve your marketing strategy? Read on to discover all.

Familiarity Fosters Trust

The more consumers are aware of your brand’s presence, ethos, mission, and values, the more they will gain your trust.

Retaining customer loyalty deems as one of the most important goals of marketing. But, loyalty cannot exist without the growth of trust in a brand.

Purchasing decisions are usually made subconsciously, with consumers using mental shortcuts to skip the process and to avoid being overwhelmed with the amount of choice on the market. So, if a customer has a brand they recognize and trust, they’re more likely to choose them.

With successful brand development, you can narrow in on your target audience and influence them to feel connected to your brand. After all, positive brand awareness makes repeat purchases more likely.

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Secures Market Position

Companies who have developed a strong branding strategy among their target audience find it easier to dominate their niche. As mentioned earlier, think of all the soft drink brands you drink or clothing shops you buy from.

They’re likely to be popular brands ruling their industry at the top of their branding game.

In a 2010 cross-industry study, German researchers determined that brand awareness drives market performance while controlling for technical product quality, service quality, and several other constructs.

By building branding, you’re increasing your market share. After all, if you’re one of the first in the competition to fuse your brand in customers minds, you’re raising the stakes for the competition. While brand awareness doesn’t have financial value on its own, it’s crucial as part of the collective marketing strategy to drive sales.

Crucial for Differentiation

If consumers aren’t aware of your brand, how else will they know that your company can offer them something new and different on the market?

Promoting brand awareness means you can position your brand to stand out and be different than the competition.

Once consumers know there’s a new, exciting, and improved product to help them fix their woes, there will be increased lead acquisition and sales.

How to Improve Brand Building

When someone mentions the “Nike tick,” what first springs to mind? Most of us will picture the familiar logo in our minds.

Logos have an incredible effect on brand awareness. After all, it’s usually the first thing we think of when considering a familiar company product.

The combination of shape, color, and font are all integral to crafting a design that not only lingers in people’s memories but also creates a positive association with the brand.

Many companies will consult psychologists when they have the budget and drive to create a powerful and memorable logo. This is because psychologists can tell which shapes and colors create a positive association with a particular industry product.

A strong and successful logo will convey what potential clients can gain from a business.

Now we know the importance of brand building, let’s go through some ways to work on it.

Social Media Strategies

Today, a strong social media strategy is crucial to building brand awareness for a company.

Brands can build a relationship with customers with the use of social media platforms. These include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and more.

Not only can brand awareness grow with the use of advertising across the platforms, but companies can also interact with their existing market base. They can, for example, create a content marketing strategy and craft relevant blog posts, or they can even hold competitions for customers.

By nurturing the market base and providing them with interesting content and fun competitions, companies can build trust by offering customers something back for their loyalty.

Brand awareness driven via social media is a great way to maintain existing customers, while also drawing in new ones that may not have heard of the brand or product. For example, a useful piece of content may be shared by a current customer, which will draw the attention of similarly minded friends of theirs.

Traditional Marketing Strategies

Let’s not forget about traditional brand awareness strategies, though.

Targeting relevant audiences via more traditional marketing efforts isn’t to be sniffed at. For example, featuring an advert in a relevant industry-based magazine, or having the brand mentioned as a radio ad jingle.

Such methods are still very much important, as not everyone uses social media and the internet, such as the older generation, for example. And remember, this age group is usually one that has money to spend!

The best idea is to distribute the budget between various marketing strategies to build strong brand awareness.

Ready to Build Your Brand?

There are many ways to go about brand building, but it’s important to make the effort to do so. While your marketing strategies and campaigns may vary year-to-year, a consistent brand message will help keep your company top-of-mind among existing and new customers.

Need help building a strong brand awareness strategy? Let us help you plan and create the right look and feel for your product and company.

From branding and design to assisting with your social media strategy, we’ve got you covered. Check out the services we offer here.

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