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How Building Relationships Leads to Great Art

One of the best parts of our industry is the relationships that come with it. Some come naturally, others take a lot of hard work to foster. But the outcome, regardless of how the relationship is formed, is super rewarding.

We strive to build lasting relationships with everyone we work with because it benefits the art.

Think of these “work” relationships as a basketball team. If you join a pick-up game with a random group, you won’t know each players’ strengths and weaknesses. Who is an accurate shooter; who has great ball control; who is a stout defender; who has great endurance? It takes time to learn these idiosyncrasies.

However, if you meet the same 4 people at the basketball courts every week you will begin to understand how they play and what they are good at. Eventually, you will form a real team and that will show in the way you link passes, defend your zone, and score points.

This is how we view our work relationships.

First, we are a team in whatever we create. Second, the more we work together — the more we understand one another’s strengths, weaknesses, passions, voice, and so on — the better the artwork.

That’s why this photoshoot with Karelle Edwards was so great!
Skip to Karelle’s Photo Gallery

Our photographer and CMO, Justin Mein, has worked with Karelle Edwards several times.

Their first shoot was on the set of Kinetix 365 — a movement therapy clinic that aids professional, amateur, and recreational athletes. We worked with North America’s top female track stars in L.A., filming profiles and photographing them in motion. This is where Justin and Karelle’s relationship first started. The content turned out great!

Click the link to view our portfolio for Kinetix 365 and see where our relationship with Karelle began.

The second time Justin and Karelle met was in L.A. (again), however, this photoshoot was just the two of them. Karelle felt a connection with Justin on the set of Kinetix 365 (and vice versa), so we got in touch to create an athlete profile for her upcoming debut in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

This photoshoot focused entirely on Karelle and her athletic dominance.

IU Karelle Edwards Side profile jumping pose

We filmed all the content in one setting, which was a challenge in itself. But, in the end, we were able to diversify the landscape to make it seem like multiple locations.

This is where our relationship with Karelle began to blossom. There was a learning curve at first. It’s tough directing a professional athlete to pose this way or that when they know far more about their sport than we do. But that is how we find a balance. Throughout this shoot, Justin began to learn the best ways to capture Karelle’s strengths and she began to learn how he worked and the rationale behind his on-set directions.

Once again, the shoot turned out great! Check out Karelle Edwards portfolio to see for yourself!

The photography produced on this occasion is what led to our most recent shoot with Karelle Edwards (once again, in L.A.).

Karelle Edwards in downtown Los Angeles

Following their second shoot, which focused on Karelle Edwards and her sport — the 500-meter hurdle — Karelle approached Justin with another vision. She wanted to film lifestyle photography in downtown L.A., which, unknown to her, is Justin’s favorite setting to photograph athletes.

There is something powerful and emotive about filming athletes in urban settings. It connects their sport, their determination, and their dedication to a place, an idea, and way of life.

Karelle and Justin spent a whole day running around downtown Los Angeles (it’s a surprise Justin was able to keep pace). They vibed so well in the past two shoots that this one came naturally. There was no learning curve, no awkwardness or polite apprehensions. There was no time wasted getting to know each other. It was all about the art.

The difference in the quality of this shoot is obvious. Karelle is relaxed and natural on camera. Her body language is playful. The angles in which we showcase her figure are defined, aggressive, sexy, relaxed, authentic, and athletic. Her personality radiates throughout the gallery, flowing from one photograph to the next effortlessly.

The comfort, confidence, respect, and rapport of their relationship elevated this gallery from a collection of photos to a narrative about Karelle and her passion for track.

The photography is not one-sided. Not in the least bit. No photo is plainly about Karelle’s lifestyle, her sport, the setting, or her passion. Rather, all of these resonate simultaneously, building upon one another to show the viewer who Karelle is as a person and professional athlete.

Let's Build A Relationship!

This is one of the added benefits of working with our team. Every member of our creative and marketing departments works in-house. We never outsource our work because we want to build a relationship that will continually produce amazing artwork. The best way to do that, as you can see, is to get to know each other.

Don’t hesitate to hit us up if you want to plan a passion project, launch your brand, or to learn more about our work with artists in Los Angeles, New York, Fort Lauderdale and Miami. There’s tons of great content to read and view on our Uncreative Blog. And our Youtube Channel is regularly updated with artist showcases and videos of life in the studio.

If you’re passionate about art and creativity then this is your source. Subscribe here.

IU Karelle Edwards posing for the camera smiling in front of a black and white web graphic and yellow wall with hand on hip
Karelle Edwards sitting on a concrete block next to a gate
Karelle Edwards closeup sitting on a concrete block looking down
Karelle Edwards sitting on a concrete block next to a gate looking off camera
Karelle Edwards outstretched arms and legs plank pose in front of a black and white web graphic and yellow wall
Karelle Edwards doing a side plank pose
Karelle Edwards stretching pose in front of a gray building
Karelle Edwards walking past a gray building
Karelle Edwards running pose for the camera
Karelle Edwards running pose next to a gray building
Karelle Edwards doing side plank and stretches on a green turf
Karelle Edwards sitting on a pink chair looking off camera by an orange table with Garden of Life Whey and plant based recovery powders
Karelle Edwards kneeling pose for the camera on green turf looking off to the side
Karelle Edwards side profile closeup headshot of her drinking from a packet of Fuel for Fire Banana Cocoa smoothie
Karelle Edwards closeup holding a packet of Fuel for Fire Banana Cocoa Smoothie
Karelle Edwards side profile posing for the camera leaning over
Karelle Edwards posing in front of a black building
Karelle Edwards doing arm stretches
Karelle Edwards leaning over posing for the camera
Side profile of Karelle Edwards doing leg stretches by a black building
Side profile of Karelle Edwards doing leg stretches by a gray building
Karelle Edwards doing leg stretches looking through a black metal fence
Side profile of Karelle Edwards doing leg stretches
Black and white of Karelle Edwards sitting on a concrete block by a gate
Black and white of Karelle Edwards leaning over pose by a building
Black and white of Karelle Edwards stretching pose by a building
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