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What makes a good 1st AC

What makes a good 1st AC

When it comes to your production crew, you want to make sure that everyone working on your team is highly skilled and competent in their craft. This is especially true for your first assistant camera operator, or 1st AC.
What makes a good drone operator

What makes a good drone operator

A trend for being able to get great overhead shots or establishing footage, a drone can be a great tool for anyone looking to up their photography or videography game.
How Longform Video Content is Changing the Marketing Landscape

How Longform Video Content is Changing the Marketing Landscape

As the internet continues to evolve, so does the way that we consume content. These days, people are used to getting their information in short, bite-sized pieces that they can easily digest. But there is a growing trend of people wanting to consume longer form video content. And this shift is changing the landscape of marketing as we know it.
Essential Video Assets for Ecommerce

Essential Video Assets for Ecommerce

When it comes to an eCommerce business, visual content is key. Product videos, explainer videos, and demo videos are essential for driving sales and conversion rates. They're also great for recruiting, too!
What makes a good producer

What makes a good producer

Having the best film crew is important. It doesn't matter if you're producing a film, docuseries, or making videos for your social media campaigns, a great crew is essential.
What Your Brand Video Might be Missing

What Your Brand Video Might be Missing

What does your video marketing campaign look like? Does it include a Brand Video? If not, it should! Brand Videos are a powerful marketing tool that allows you to tell your story and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Brand videos are an essential part of marketing your company, brand, or product. They give potential customers a way to see what your brand is all about and how it can benefit them.
What makes a good camera operator

What makes a good camera operator

Having the best production team possible is key to making a successful film or video. And while there are many factors that go into making a great production, one of the most important is having a great camera operator.
How to Get your Team On Board with Video Marketing

How to Get your Team On Board with Video Marketing

If you're like most business owners, you know that video marketing is a powerful tool that can help you reach a wider audience and boost your bottom line. But what you may not realize is that getting your team on board with video marketing can be just as important as creating great content.
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